just wanted to share a link I came across lately.
There's loads and loads of stuff, some of decent quality and some poor.
As I was looking for posed figures, I found quite a few. Many come as 3ds files, complete with texture folders. You need to separate the meshes and assign materials, so it might take a while.
Maybe we could collect some links here - together with some results? (not sure whether there's a thread like this in the Rhino section already...)
Well, here's a quick test render of my efforts:

just wanted to share a link I came across lately.
There's loads and loads of stuff, some of decent quality and some poor.
As I was looking for posed figures, I found quite a few. Many come as 3ds files, complete with texture folders. You need to separate the meshes and assign materials, so it might take a while.
Maybe we could collect some links here - together with some results? (not sure whether there's a thread like this in the Rhino section already...)
Well, here's a quick test render of my efforts:
