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Linear Workflow Questions...

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  • Linear Workflow Questions...

    I am trying to implement a linear work-flow to improve the quality of my work as well as compensate for my sub-par equipment. As I understand from reading/watching tutorials extensively for the last couple days about the subject of linear work-flow, utilizing these techniques can reduce my render times by requiring less lighting/calculations, etc. This is important for me because not only do I want to improve the quality of work, it is far easier for me to work in post to make adjustments/corrections (as these programs require less hardware capabilities) then trying to fudge it vray. I have watched several tutorials, read many blogs/tutorials, and scoured the forums to get a clear understanding of what this is all about. I am still left with some specific questions though that if answered could really clear things up for me as many of these postings and publishings seem dated.

    So with that being said I am working in Rhino V4, Vray V1.5.29....

    What I want to accomplish..

    Save final renderings without any color correction applied, import to photoshop/post software ,attach color space to image, apply all my color correction and adjustments there.

    Note: I am trying to only use the .exr format when saving my renderings so that I can have more control in post.

    Here is my laundry list of questions...

    1. I am manually applying a .4545 gamma correction when using any images for diffuse, and not using it where the map is used for a value setting like transparency, bump map, displacement. Should I be using the .4545 correction for reflection/refraction mapping?

    2. Please clarify exactly what each Gamma Correction setting controls in the Global Switches and how it will affect the final rendering. Also what are the best settings to use to keep everything linear.

    3. What settings should I put the output/input at to keep a linear work flow if I am manually over riding the gamma of my bitmaps? Does setting the input value to .4545 essentially double correct my bitmaps if I also do it manually?

    4. Does the output value apply color correction to what I see in the VFB or does it apply the output setting only when I hit the sRGB button, or does it apply that value when I save the image. I guess I want to know when is the output value applied?

    5. In order to get a truly linear color swatch do I need to create a bitmap image and import it applying the .4545 over ride or does the correct RGB button do exactly that. If it doesn't then what exactly does that setting control.

    6. If the correct LDR setting is checked is that automatically applying a .4545 to all my imported bitmaps? If no what does it do? If yes, and I apply the .4545 overide on my bitmaps manually am I double correcting, and if the input is set to .4545 am I now triple correcting!!!!
    Should I just leave this unchecked?

    Now on Color Mapping...

    8. In order to stay linear should I only be using either Linear Multiply or Reinhard? If yes what should the settings be at (Dark Multiplier/Light Multiplier for Linear, and Multiplier/Burn Value for Reinhard). If no what should I use and what should the settings be at?

    9. What exactly do Affect Background, Clamp Output, and the Sub-pixel settings control in regards to the Color Mapping? How should I set these?

    Now in to post...let's assume I am working in Photoshop

    10. After I import my images and chose which color space I want to work in are the colors now automatically given a gamma correction of 2.2 just by being in that color space ie. sRGB, AdobeRGB, ProPhotoRGB or do I need to manually add the gamma color correction to each channel I am working in and then play with my settings to get the desired result after they are put together. Or does color correction become irrelevant now that I am playing with the settings.

    11. Where in photoshop would I apply a gamma of 2.2 to the image to see the final image. looked through all of the menus/settings and just don't see it.

    So as you can see, after researching the subject I am still left with many unanswered questions. With your help and a few tips I think that I will be good shape to move forward and with a good baseline to improve from. I apologize if any of this is redundant, but it seems to be a hot topic and I'm sure many fairly new users like myself could really benefit from the tips. Thanks in advance for your help!!!!!


  • #2
    Re: Linear Workflow Questions...

    Ok......let me approach this another way...

    Here is my workflow that I have set up. Is this correct, or at least am I headed in the right direction.

    Rhino 4, Vray 1.5.29, PS6.0 w/ EXR plugin from openEXR

    Lets assume that my LCD monitor is correct

    VR global options

    Output/Input both set to 1
    Correct RGB/LDR Textures unchecked

    I manually apply a .4545 gamma correction to all my imported bitmaps except for the ones that are being used on a gray scale (bumps, reflection, etc.)

    Color mapping settings
    Linear Multiply DM 1/BM .8

    Affect BG/Subpixel- checked
    Clamp Output- unchecked (I adjust the darkest & lightest color limits in post)

    Post processing settings in the Indirect Illumination rollout
    sat/contrast 1
    contrast base .5
    i just always leave this at default

    Ok, I render and save as .exr
    When I open the file in PS it asks what gamma I want to view it in I put in 2.2. I put the file in a sRGB color space. So now I am looking at the image with a 2.2 correction applied and I start to make all of my adjustments.

    Now for some reason I have to switch the file to 8bit mode in photoshop to be able to use all the layer functions. Im not sure why seems like limitations of the plugin, but i am not sure how my work is affected being in 8bit vs. 16bit

    When I am happy I save two copies...
    1. as an .exr with all the layers/working copy (it automatically asks what gamma has been applied, and then applies the inverse to bring it back to linear space when saving)
    2. as a tiff with the layers merged (im pretty sure this burns in the gamma) then i use these files for presentations, etc.

    So with all that being said I hope someone who is knowledgeable on the subject would be kind enough to either verify I am good, or correct any errors I am making, or share some tips/tricks that they use. It seems as though this topic is as touchy as religion and politics, but as someone who is newly getting involved in this work I want everything to be as professional as possible. Thanks in advance.



    • #3
      Re: Linear Workflow Questions...

      So far I know, the Vray engine works with gamma 1. So, all LDR textures for color effects must be convert from default gamma 2.2 to 1. So, you must set input gamma to 2.2 and you don't need the 0.4545 multiplier. If you like to work with gamma 1 images, than set output to gamma 1. I think, that's all. The VfR plugin is coded so that the gamma workflow is so easy as possible. - visualization for designer and architects

