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Importing 3DS / OBJ with Textures but doesn't render

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  • Importing 3DS / OBJ with Textures but doesn't render

    I bought a package of XFrog plants that come in 3DS or OBJ format. I need to use these plants for a project but cant seem to render them with their applied mats.
    When I view the Render Preview Viewport you can tell that the 3DS and OBJ have the mats applied to them , but once I hit render with Vray only the model renders with no mats whatsoever. Override materials is NOT check either.
    Anyone know what I am dong wrong here?
    Do I have to apply mats and texture mapping all over again? Or is there a way to import with mats and just hit render?



  • #2
    Re: Importing 3DS / OBJ with Textures but doesn't render

    What kind of image are the textures (tga/png/jpg/tiff) ?
    SU 8
    VfS 1.48.89
    Win 7 64-bit


    • #3
      Re: Importing 3DS / OBJ with Textures but doesn't render

      They haveto be 3dm rhino files so material information is saved in the scene. And also 3ds files are files from 3ds max I guess, so V-ray mat is not compatible with vfr material.


      • #4
        Re: Importing 3DS / OBJ with Textures but doesn't render

        I found out the problem, bu thanks anyways....Vray for Rhino doesn't support TIFF files, so in essence the 3DS file format maintains texture mapping info, but all TIFFs have to be converted into PNGs and reapplied using the Vray Mat Editor in for it to work...more work, but in the end it does work.
        Thanks for replies!

