I had use Flamingo with Rhino before, now I try to use V Ray, but I try many times, can't render a good rendering. Anyone can share how to rendering Gold and Diamond in V Ray to me?
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V Ray in Rhino to render Jewelry
Re: V Ray in Rhino to render Jewelry
I found this link very useful.
Re: V Ray in Rhino to render Jewelry
can you show us a couples of pics of what you acheive and what you were trying to make? This would make it easy to us to give you good tips.
-do you use hdr (studio setup) to simulate light?
-do you want to post prod in psd?
Re: V Ray in Rhino to render Jewelry
I think the link Fpedrogo gave you is the most comprehensive link "jewellery rendering tutorial" you'll ever find anywhere on the net reallyit helped me a lot getting started.
for jewellery as anything I guess... you really need good Hdri maps, for metals and stones alike (as they do reflect a lot of light). I'm sure you can still find this IR+LCQuick.visopt file somewhere to get you started. I can't remember the link but if you type free studio Hdri's on google for your environment, you'll easily find a free package of 24 or so studio hdris that should get you underway to great results. as boring as it might be experimenting is the key.
i'll be glad to share my gem&diamonds maps if you like, just send me your e-mail.
Good luck,