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Vectorial shadows

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  • Vectorial shadows

    Hi everyone, I have a very specific question, more focused in the land of architecture.

    The thing is that I was wondering if Rhino+Vray is capable of making vectorial shadows, I mean, if setting
    some directional light or whatever rhino+vray can create a new surface with the shape of the shadows... so later I could edit that surface in order to achieve a more kind of architectural drawing looking.

    I know this can be done easily with ArchiCad (the image below shows what I mean but done with this soft, not with Rhino) but I dont no how to export the vectorial shadow to rhino, so thats basically my question.

    Thanks for your time

    [img width=700][/img]

  • #2
    Re: Vectorial shadows

    Could you please repost that image properly cropped? It's 80% white empty space...
    Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


    • #3
      Re: Vectorial shadows

      Oops, sorry, its ok now


      • #4
        Re: Vectorial shadows

        Interesting feature. I think you should ask the McNeel team for it, since it's a modelling feature and not a render feature. - visualization for designer and architects

