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Using material ID?

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  • Using material ID?


    I have a relatively complexe scene in which I want to work a lot in post prod with photoshop. So I want to use material ID instead of render ID to get better control of my selection zone. The render ID works well but I get no result with Material ID (thats mean you can assume I put the material ID channer in the VFB channels rollout...). Is there something I forget to do? I also tried to create my materials before the geometry, and vice versa but nothing change.


  • #2
    Re: Using material ID?

    Hi, you need to select the Material ID channel in the VFB channel rollout which im sure you have already done. Then go to your material editor, now select a material and scroll down till you come to the OPTIONS rollout for that material. In the bottom right hand corner you should see ID COLOR and a black rectangle next to it. Click the box and choose a colour. Now after you have rendered the scene, saved and opened the Material ID image, you will see that all objects assigned with that material will appear as the colour you selected previously. Choose nice colours..... the images can be quite fun and make nice concept artwork.

    hope this helps


    • #3
      Re: Using material ID?

      Unfortunately the metarial ID channel won't work in V-Ray for Rhino. The explanation that Louischo shared with us is right, but only for the new build of V-Ray for Sketchup.


      • #4
        Re: Using material ID?

        Originally posted by fpedrogo
        Unfortunately the metarial ID channel won't work in V-Ray for Rhino. The explanation that Louischo shared with us is right, but only for the new build of V-Ray for Sketchup.
        ...Quite disappointing :-[

        I guess I'll use my "lasso selection tool" skill


        • #5
          Re: Using material ID?

          This could help:

          PS: It's a pity that nobody keep the tutorial section clean from only-question posts, so that the tutorials can be better found.
 - visualization for designer and architects

