I apologise if this thread is out of place. I really had no idea where to place it. I was hoping someone could give me some advice about a career in rendering. I have 2.5 years of interior design schooling under my belt. I have always been interested by 3d rendering and am self taught. I find it addicting and just love it. Is it possible to make a career out of it and specialise in 3d rendering? One thing I notice with rendering an modeling is it a very timely task. How much can a detailed render of an interior or exterior sell for? I’m trying to figure out what the hourly pay would work out to. I’d like to go into business for myself but am unsure if it is profitable enough. One thing I realise is the client base for this type of work is limited to only architects, interior designers and developers. The only time I see 3d renders being used is on big signs outside building sites to advertise the condo that is going to be built. This makes me concerned as I am worried that there isn’t enough work for something that is so specialised. I could be wrong, maybe the market is in need of some good 3d rendering workers. I have no idea. Has anyone had any experience with trying to do something like this on their own? I currently live in Ottawa Ontario which is in Canada. Thanks for reading.