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Converting from SketchUp to Rhino

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  • Converting from SketchUp to Rhino

    I have been working on SkethchUp for a few years on a daily basis and teaching it also: I do many project in interior design and it's a great software for that.

    However, I see that Rhino has a lot more options: I mainly see it in batch render, carpet-like textures and Amorphous shapes.

    1.Is my assumption correct and Rhino does have more options then Sketchup does?
    2. Is it possible and glitches free to take a model build in SketchUP and render it in Rhino?
    3. Is Rhino a complicated software to learn? are there good tutorials like there are in SketchUP?

    thank you

  • #2
    Re: Converting from SketchUp to Rhino

    Hi Inbal
    I am not an expert in Sketchup so I cant really compare the two but I work in Rhino and really love it.
    The learning curve is not to hard but it differs of course from Sketchup since its a nurbs modeler and not mesh, however it has a number of tools for mesh.
    I think its a much more competent sw (since I work as a sculptor and like to get things out in real 3d) then Sketchup, though sketchup fills it purpose for fast sketching/idea in 3d.
    I dont know what you mean by more options vs sketchup?
    There are tutorials for rhino online and there is a great newsgroup with a lot of skilled people answers your questions very fast and polite.
    Thats for my 2 bit
    I really think you should try rhino, it grows on you


    • #3
      Re: Converting from SketchUp to Rhino

      Thank you for answering

      Does anyone here use Rhino for interior design models?
      Can anyone help me compare?



      • #4
        Re: Converting from SketchUp to Rhino

        Hi inbal
        Ask the same question at the rhino newsgroup news:// (you have to configure an newsgroup account in thunderbird or outlook etc) to view it but there is a lot of people using sketchup there to...

