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Vray 2.0 for Rhino

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  • Vray 2.0 for Rhino

    I just saw that Vray 2.0 for 3DS Max has been released by Chaos Group.Now i know that you still haven't updated VfR and that you are waiting to finish VfS first.But after you've released stable versions of both VfR & VfS,how long will we have to wait for you guys to update VfR & VfS to the same version as Vray 2.0?Are we talking months,maybe year(s)?
    I especially want to know if you will implement Vray RT GPU,since i really want to start using my graphics card for rendering.

    Basically my question is; How long until we see Vray RT GPU in Vray for Rhino?

    Thanks for a great product =)

  • #2
    Re: Vray 2.0 for Rhino

    Can't answer that question until after we know how long it will take to put out the next update. Gotta take one step before you can take the next one We don't follow the same version numbering that Chaos Group uses btw, so some "2.0" features will be in our next update, others will not. We don't have proxies in our current product, and they were in the previous version of V-Ray for 3D Studio Max.
    Best regards,
    Devin Kendig

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: Vray 2.0 for Rhino

      Thanks for the answer!

      Do you think it will be difficult to implement Vray RT-features (realtime render) once you've updated the VfR core?Will that be a priority or do you want to focus on other parts of Vray first?


      • #4
        Re: Vray 2.0 for Rhino

        Realtime rendering is something we are definitely interested in integrating in to our product, but it would be nice to have better memory management, proxies, environment fog, etc. We haven't even really looked at what it will take to add realtime yet, so we can't really give any sort of estimate on a development time frame.
        Best regards,
        Devin Kendig

        Chaos Group


        • #5
          Re: Vray 2.0 for Rhino

          I think too that there are more important features than real time rendering, since real time will not help to get an other final output than non-real time. Also I'm not sure the speed is higher than a little office render farm and LC/IM. So far I understand the real time renderings can't use the speed turbo of biased methods like IM, right? If yes, than it could be that the final renderings are done per classical methods again.
          Proxies, 64bit and better memory management sounds like big step forward for high res images of complex scenes. Maybe the load time for DR can be optimized too.
          Real time rendering is a nice addition, but there a lot of important features that are need before.
 - visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            Re: Vray 2.0 for Rhino

            I just love to hear about Proxies and new stuff!!


            • #7
              Re: Vray 2.0 for Rhino

              Proxies! Proxies! Proxies!
              Matthew Valero, ASAI


              • #8
                Re: Vray 2.0 for Rhino

                Proxies are definitely a very nice feature.But I just saw a video for Vray Light Select (YouTube-link) from version 2.0 and it's the same thing as MultiLight in Maxwell.It lets you adjust your light settings (intensity etc.) without having to re-render the entire scene every time.It renders the lights into different elements and can be tweaked however you like in a compositing software.

                Vray Light Select sounds like a gamechanger to me and it will save people a lot of time having to adjust their lightning in the scene.I hope this feature is very high on your priority-list.Just my 2 cents.


                • #9
                  Re: Vray 2.0 for Rhino

                  Nobody has any thoughts on this?


                  • #10
                    Re: Vray 2.0 for Rhino

                    Getting a version out there that uses our new rewritten core, and has the same exact features as our current version of V-Ray for SketchUp is at the top of our priority list. We won't begin discussing the next set of changes/features until after that happens.
                    Best regards,
                    Devin Kendig

                    Chaos Group


                    • #11
                      Re: Vray 2.0 for Rhino

                      When will that be?? We have been waiting for what seems like years!! Great product just want the update!


                      • #12
                        Re: Vray 2.0 for Rhino

                        There will be a newsletter announcing when you can pre-purchase for the release, as well as an announcement about our beta testing when we have a date to give. There's still some issues we need to work out before the beta starts, but we're pretty close to getting that started. I know I know, when when when? If I told you a date, it would be something I was completely making up off the top of my head, so I'm not going to give a date. There's no sense that.
                        Best regards,
                        Devin Kendig

                        Chaos Group

