Hi everybody.
I'm having a problem with my vray renders, after the render has been completed (all set to the correct resoloution settings, with vray materials and what I believe to be good IR/LC settings) the renders look great.
when I print them at uni the result looks quite different. Sometimes I get a weird radial effect coming from certain objects, also there seems to be a massive drop in sharpness on some renders. There seems to be no logical reason for this, occasionally I have had a render which printed well, which used the same model, materials and settings as the ones that haven't (which is the majority).
I have even used the ASGVIS vray print quality VISOPT and had the same problem.
I normally save as png, then do some work with the image in illustrator. I tried today to save a variety of formats straightout of vray and print with no adobe use, same problem.
I can't find anything related to this in any forum searches so if you had any advice I would be very grateful.
I'm having a problem with my vray renders, after the render has been completed (all set to the correct resoloution settings, with vray materials and what I believe to be good IR/LC settings) the renders look great.
when I print them at uni the result looks quite different. Sometimes I get a weird radial effect coming from certain objects, also there seems to be a massive drop in sharpness on some renders. There seems to be no logical reason for this, occasionally I have had a render which printed well, which used the same model, materials and settings as the ones that haven't (which is the majority).
I have even used the ASGVIS vray print quality VISOPT and had the same problem.
I normally save as png, then do some work with the image in illustrator. I tried today to save a variety of formats straightout of vray and print with no adobe use, same problem.
I can't find anything related to this in any forum searches so if you had any advice I would be very grateful.