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DRspawner 64 bit??

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  • DRspawner 64 bit??

    Hi - is there a 64-bit version of DR Spawner for VfR? Trying to decide between a render farm and one or two uber-computers with many cores, and i'm worried that a 64-bit uber-computer running DRspawner might choke because of the 32-bit memory limit. Is this actually a problem?

    many thanks, i know this is a well-worn topic, i tried to search but...
    emil mertzel

    Lookinglass Architecture and Design

  • #2
    Re: DRspawner 64 bit??

    The next version that is currently in testing, will handle memory better than the 1.05.29 version currently does. I would probably go with multiple machines, rather than one or two heavy hitters. The more cores you fit in one machine, the higher the price tag goes. There's a point where it just isn't worth trying to fit everything in to one machine. It all depends on your budget, whether or not you have the ability to keep all of the machines cool, and how much space you have to set up your render farm.
    Best regards,
    Devin Kendig

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: DRspawner 64 bit??

      Thanks, Devin, that's super helpful!
      emil mertzel

      Lookinglass Architecture and Design


      • #4
        Re: DRspawner 64 bit??

        Originally posted by emil mertzel
        Hi - is there a 64-bit version of DR Spawner for VfR? Trying to decide between a render farm and one or two uber-computers with many cores, and i'm worried that a 64-bit uber-computer running DRspawner might choke because of the 32-bit memory limit. Is this actually a problem?
        Not the 32-bit memory limit of the slaves is the current limit, general the 32-bit memory limit of the master computer is the problem, since there is hold the rhino scene + the render mesh + the vray render process. At the spawner the vray process is hold in the RAM only. So, most if the master computer can render it, than the slaves can do it too with less RAM usage. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Re: DRspawner 64 bit??

          Right, but I'm trying to optimize the performance of the cores. so let's say I have a single slave PC running DRspawner with, say 48 cores. I'm wondering whether i'm getting the most out of those cores - is the 3.6GB limit somehow going to reduce their performance? e.g. is the 3.6 GB being shared among the cores, or can those cores access 3.6GB each, therefore using more ram? or is this a dumb question? I definitely don't understand the way RAM and multi-threaded processors work, so forgive me if I'm being stupid. thanks...
          emil mertzel

          Lookinglass Architecture and Design

