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Laggy computer.

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  • Laggy computer.

    Whilst rendering enclosed scenes for a current lighting project (with only a couple of simple materials & Light sources) my computer interface becomes amazingly laggy.........this I believe is because I am a fool & dont have a seperate GPU - instead I'm relyin upon the integrated HDgraphics in my i7 2600K CPU.

    Therefore, I am wondering what GPU is going to best to accompany VRay for RHino
    I was considering a Quadro 2000.....but would appreciate some advise on whether this is the best route - (please note that I do absolutely no gaming on this system - merely Rhino, Adobe Photoshop&Illustrator etc).

    I'm sorry for bringing this age old debate back up, but I'm amazingly bad when it comes to PC Hardware & just cannot find a definitive answer.

  • #2
    V-Ray for Rhino does not currently use the GPU so it will make no difference. How much RAM do you have? Are you running a lot of stuff in the background? OS? All that good stuff.


    • #3
      I thought this might be the case with Vray - was a while since I did research into Vray, so all the info has dribbled out my ears.
      Currently have 8GB hooked up (on Win7 btw & its only a 5month old PC)

      This is the thing, I wasn't doing anything in the background for the simple fact that I couldn't - it was laggy with simply Vray+Rhino - (this is not useful since as a student as I need to beable to get on with Photoshop etc)


      • #4
        I use Vray at XP64 since years and have no problem to work on my machine during a rendering is running. Did you enable low priority at the Vray options? - visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Indeed, I did enable low priority to minimize the impact Vray has upon other programs - had been following the supplied Vray manual since I am somewhat new to this software.
          This is somewhat baffling since it was a small enclosed scene & of a low res output.
          The issue seems to rear up randomly (sods law right when I have a close deadline) as vray normally behaves absolutely fine the majority of the time


          • #6
            I would buy a seperate GPU, something like a GTX 260 ... 295 should do a good job. I would try to get a card with much memory for many highres textures at the rendered viewport.
   - visualization for designer and architects

