Whilst rendering enclosed scenes for a current lighting project (with only a couple of simple materials & Light sources) my computer interface becomes amazingly laggy.........this I believe is because I am a fool & dont have a seperate GPU - instead I'm relyin upon the integrated HDgraphics in my i7 2600K CPU.
Therefore, I am wondering what GPU is going to best to accompany VRay for RHino
I was considering a Quadro 2000.....but would appreciate some advise on whether this is the best route - (please note that I do absolutely no gaming on this system - merely Rhino, Adobe Photoshop&Illustrator etc).
I'm sorry for bringing this age old debate back up, but I'm amazingly bad when it comes to PC Hardware & just cannot find a definitive answer.
Therefore, I am wondering what GPU is going to best to accompany VRay for RHino
I was considering a Quadro 2000.....but would appreciate some advise on whether this is the best route - (please note that I do absolutely no gaming on this system - merely Rhino, Adobe Photoshop&Illustrator etc).
I'm sorry for bringing this age old debate back up, but I'm amazingly bad when it comes to PC Hardware & just cannot find a definitive answer.