I fear a new computer is probably in my future. Not something that I'd dread if I didn't have to pay for it. But, moving forward seems to require it. I'm currently working on a 3-1/2 year old dual quad 3 gb machine with a moderatly fast Quadro video board.
I've just downloaded the beta and though I haven't even begun to explore the new options I'm certain that more computational capability will make the new features a practical alternative. Plus my clients are starting to talk annimation and all the frames necessary to do that task.
So my question becomes how much machine do I need? And can I reconcile that with how much I can afford?
First thoughts:
I know I'm going to a quad core. Are six cores worth the additional cost? I presume that's the practical limit (yes/no).
I know I need 64 bit but hoping that will not cause problems with older legacy programs. The cost increases that much more if I have to buy everything new. And somethings aren't even availble.
How much RAM? I'm thinking 12gb. But that comes with little insite.
Video cards. I've had good luck with Navidia Quadro board. The question is how much board can I afford and at what point is more Ram or more cores more productive?
Of course it's all a price trade off. I don't mind spending more to get more, but I'm not buying new machines every couple of years. So what makes sense? I'd be interested in your thoughts. What do you have and how well is it working? What would you buy if you could? You can leave off $10,000 + megamachines. My max is closer to 5k and that's a stretch. But the important part is where is it best to put the money. And a what point do you do the best you can and figure out 3-years out you'll try again.
I fear a new computer is probably in my future. Not something that I'd dread if I didn't have to pay for it. But, moving forward seems to require it. I'm currently working on a 3-1/2 year old dual quad 3 gb machine with a moderatly fast Quadro video board.
I've just downloaded the beta and though I haven't even begun to explore the new options I'm certain that more computational capability will make the new features a practical alternative. Plus my clients are starting to talk annimation and all the frames necessary to do that task.
So my question becomes how much machine do I need? And can I reconcile that with how much I can afford?
First thoughts:
I know I'm going to a quad core. Are six cores worth the additional cost? I presume that's the practical limit (yes/no).
I know I need 64 bit but hoping that will not cause problems with older legacy programs. The cost increases that much more if I have to buy everything new. And somethings aren't even availble.
How much RAM? I'm thinking 12gb. But that comes with little insite.
Video cards. I've had good luck with Navidia Quadro board. The question is how much board can I afford and at what point is more Ram or more cores more productive?
Of course it's all a price trade off. I don't mind spending more to get more, but I'm not buying new machines every couple of years. So what makes sense? I'd be interested in your thoughts. What do you have and how well is it working? What would you buy if you could? You can leave off $10,000 + megamachines. My max is closer to 5k and that's a stretch. But the important part is where is it best to put the money. And a what point do you do the best you can and figure out 3-years out you'll try again.