A Rhino command line sequence using V-Ray for Rhino prior to 1.5, such as:
“c:\program files\Rhinoceros 4.0\system\Rhino4.exe” /runscript=“_SetCurrentRenderPlugIn V-Ray for Rhino render -saverenderwindowas test.jpg closerenderwindow -exit” hdri_test.3dm
(e.g. http://wiki.mcneel.com/developer/commandline)
would launch a render and save the result, the success a result of the render window being modal (correct term?) so that the -saverenderwindowas command could not execute until the rendering was finished. With V-Ray for Rhino 1.5, the render window is no longer modal, the "-saverenderwindowas" command executes as soon as there is a render window to find, and the result is an incomplete 1K file.
This command line approach is one that renderfarm applications use to submit jobs but it's not clear now how a scripted approach would be able to determine when a rendering had finished and so execute a save sequence at the appropriate point. This is probably not the only multithreaded version of V-Ray (it's the only one we use) and V-Ray seems to be a commonly supported renderfarm application (e.g. for 3DS Max); is there an approach to this?
“c:\program files\Rhinoceros 4.0\system\Rhino4.exe” /runscript=“_SetCurrentRenderPlugIn V-Ray for Rhino render -saverenderwindowas test.jpg closerenderwindow -exit” hdri_test.3dm
(e.g. http://wiki.mcneel.com/developer/commandline)
would launch a render and save the result, the success a result of the render window being modal (correct term?) so that the -saverenderwindowas command could not execute until the rendering was finished. With V-Ray for Rhino 1.5, the render window is no longer modal, the "-saverenderwindowas" command executes as soon as there is a render window to find, and the result is an incomplete 1K file.
This command line approach is one that renderfarm applications use to submit jobs but it's not clear now how a scripted approach would be able to determine when a rendering had finished and so execute a save sequence at the appropriate point. This is probably not the only multithreaded version of V-Ray (it's the only one we use) and V-Ray seems to be a commonly supported renderfarm application (e.g. for 3DS Max); is there an approach to this?