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Render never finishes

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  • Render never finishes

    Happy new year to everybody!

    I work on exterior scene and if I stop the render- I can't launch it again and following message: Please wait for the current render to finish
    No standard one , nor RT goes anymore. Recently I closed and opened again the rhino file but same message appears when try to start render.
    Meanwhile vray is not really rendering (task manager shows almost no processor power in use). Few minutes ago I restarted the computer and windows said Vray can't be closed and will be forced to do so.

    similar problem anybody?
    thanks for suggestions

  • #2
    solved by reset on vray options


    • #3
      If you have RTEngine enabled (for instance, after you do RT but forget to disable it in the options), then you get the error you mention when you click the Render button. Right-clicking the RT button will disable RT and also distributed rendering, but it seemed to me that i would always want RT off if i click the regular render button, but i MIGHT want DR on. So I've modified the original scripts for the Render button so RT engine turns off and it kills the DR spawner on the local machine, so you don't have to turn off DR:

      Render button:

      I also modified the RT button to turn off batch render, since if it's on RT is useless:
      RT button:
      emil mertzel

      Lookinglass Architecture and Design


      • #4
        Hi Emil,

        thank you for the scripts. I hope the team will add this scripts to standard buttons.

        Edit: I send a support ticket for this -> (Case 834

        Last edited by Micha_cg; 03-01-2013, 12:05 AM. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          You're welcome, glad they're useful! Yes, I'd also vote for making these the default button actions, thanks for starting the ticket.
          emil mertzel

          Lookinglass Architecture and Design

