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problems with metal vismat in vray rt

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  • problems with metal vismat in vray rt

    hello forum.

    we are quite new in using vary rt.
    the results are ok.
    but as soon as we use the vismat metal the results are not goog at all.
    here is a screenshot of the settings and the result:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	421.7 KB
ID:	877091

    can somebody please help us?


  • #2
    It's really hard to help without knowing what you're trying to do. What kind of metal should that look like? Try finding a photo of a real object that is similar to what you think it should look like. Any reflective material will look more realistic if you have something for the material to reflect, so having an HDRI environment map in the background and/or reflective maps will go a long way. The vismats that come with vray 1.05.29 or that you download are best thought of as a place to start rather than plug-and-play.
    emil mertzel

    Lookinglass Architecture and Design

