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Tool for reseting XML option (max depth) wanted (script?)

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  • Tool for reseting XML option (max depth) wanted (script?)


    since a few months the default max refl/fraction depth of Vray materials is set to 5. For me it's much to high and cost a lot of render time. Better would be if it would be default at -1, so that the global option value is used. If needed the materials can be edit and set to an user value. The value 5 is needed very seldom.

    The info about the XML-option is:
    "We are going to use the 5 value for the default Max depth. If you want to use -1 you can go to the "VRayPlugins.xml" and edit the "trace depth" value or the reflection and refraction plugin to be -1.
    Just search for "trace depth". You should change the default value for the BRDF reflection and BRDF refraction. You will have to do this every time that you install a new build."

    Doe's someone have an idea how to get it quick and easy reset to -1? It's a pity that it is no fixed option at the Rhino.ini.

    Micha ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    why not just change it in the xml file? you only have to do it once, until you install vray next time there's an update?
    emil mertzel

    Lookinglass Architecture and Design


    • #3
      Since I install a nightly build every few days .... ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4

        Not sure, I don't think those variables are available for scripting, but I'll double check.

        of course it could be scripted outside of vray instead, since it's an XML file, but not my arena.

        could you just keep a copy of the changed XML file handy, like on your desktop, and just swap it into the folder when you install an update? It would be easy to write an old school batch file for that. As long as CG doesn't go making changes to the file in one of their updates.
        emil mertzel

        Lookinglass Architecture and Design


        • #5
          Quick googling indicates that vbscript (therefore probably RhinoScript) should be able to modify the XML file pretty easily. I really can't tackle this right now but maybe someone else can. Skysurfer?
          emil mertzel

          Lookinglass Architecture and Design


          • #6
            Hi Emil, Micha,
            Not sure how to help you. Writing a script to automatic change this options would take long time because the path of the file could change.
            Not talking about change the option for each materials.

            No, it's much faster to change it by hand.
            Sorry to nit help you to much today.


            • #7
              Thank you guys. I will use a bat file that replace the xml file. But before I will ask the developer for an ini option. The ini file isn't refreshed during an install.
     ... visualization for designer and architects

