since a few months the default max refl/fraction depth of Vray materials is set to 5. For me it's much to high and cost a lot of render time. Better would be if it would be default at -1, so that the global option value is used. If needed the materials can be edit and set to an user value. The value 5 is needed very seldom.
The info about the XML-option is:
"We are going to use the 5 value for the default Max depth. If you want to use -1 you can go to the "VRayPlugins.xml" and edit the "trace depth" value or the reflection and refraction plugin to be -1.
Just search for "trace depth". You should change the default value for the BRDF reflection and BRDF refraction. You will have to do this every time that you install a new build."
Doe's someone have an idea how to get it quick and easy reset to -1? It's a pity that it is no fixed option at the Rhino.ini.
since a few months the default max refl/fraction depth of Vray materials is set to 5. For me it's much to high and cost a lot of render time. Better would be if it would be default at -1, so that the global option value is used. If needed the materials can be edit and set to an user value. The value 5 is needed very seldom.
The info about the XML-option is:
"We are going to use the 5 value for the default Max depth. If you want to use -1 you can go to the "VRayPlugins.xml" and edit the "trace depth" value or the reflection and refraction plugin to be -1.
Just search for "trace depth". You should change the default value for the BRDF reflection and BRDF refraction. You will have to do this every time that you install a new build."
Doe's someone have an idea how to get it quick and easy reset to -1? It's a pity that it is no fixed option at the Rhino.ini.