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Size of HDRI in the final render

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  • Size of HDRI in the final render


    Since long time I'm struggling how to efficiently control the proportion between the size of my hdri (in the dome) and the size of my scene.
    Let say in my hdri there's a window which is the main light source. The size of the window and its illumination (the multiplier of the dome) play role on how my product/s will be illuminated. In the photography as a general rule the bigger the source light the better illumination, but in vray I often get too big the size of the "window" and it bites from the contrast of my render!

    One way it works great is to scale up/down the object in scene, but I'd really like to keep real units.. and it is far from professional solution I think, but it proves that works in one way!!
    Scaling u/down the dome does not work. Maybe the solution is somewhere in Direction Transofrmation / UV transformation in the Vray texture editor for the dome..Sometimes I play with the Repeat value there but I can't say I'm confident for each and every case.

    Do you guys have any advice for me?
    Thanks in advance!!!

  • #2
    So is the problem that the window in your HDRI is too physically large? So it's throwing bad shadows? Can you post some pics?

    if the window in the HDRI is too big, then I would think you'll have to fix the HDRI in PS or use a different one.
    emil mertzel

    Lookinglass Architecture and Design

