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Consistent VRay Sky

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  • Consistent VRay Sky

    Does anyone know where some tutorial files with skies in the exist? Not having too much luck with VRay sky. I have it working ok in one file but in another it the sky keeps rendering black. The settings that are in this tutorial seem to be for another program so when I try to use them for Rhino there is a gap.

    For example it gives Z heights to get the different looks but there are no Z height settings......

    Also, each time I go to adjust the sun by clicking the "modify sun" button it has does not remember the position I had set it at. It goes to its default position off the coast of Africa. :/. Some Rhino files to tinker with will really help here.
    Let there B3D

    Steven Houtzager
    3D Renderings & Animations for Product Development and Retail Design - Atlanta, GA

  • #2 (free samples)

    the rhino sun dialog never remembers vray's sun position. Use the save button to save it to a file before you click ok, then load it to edit.
    emil mertzel

    Lookinglass Architecture and Design


    • #3
      Hi, Those samples renders are from 3ds Max. We still have to update our help file to use Rhino scenes. However, the effect of the sun it is the same in Rhino. The setting on those examples for color mapping are different that what we are used to use on our regular render. The setting are basically for demonstration purpose.

      the rhino sun dialog never remembers R-Ray's sun position. Use the save button to save it to a file before you click ok, then load it to edit.
      This was in the old version of V-Ray1.5. V-Ray 2.0 save the sun position.


      • #4
        Originally posted by fpedrogo View Post
        Hi, Those samples renders are from 3ds Max. We still have to update our help file to use Rhino scenes. However, the effect of the sun it is the same in Rhino. The setting on those examples for color mapping are different that what we are used to use on our regular render. The setting are basically for demonstration purpose.

        This was in the old version of V-Ray1.5. V-Ray 2.0 save the sun position.
        Sorry, thats right, what I meant was that it doesn't remember location info (latitude/longitude, time, date) - just angle and azimuth.
        emil mertzel

        Lookinglass Architecture and Design

