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Grass, moss, trees

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  • Grass, moss, trees

    Hi there,

    Once again this issue... anybody with cool solution for getting trees, grass, etc in Rhino so far?
    So far I found this website

    thank you for sharing

  • #2
    SpeedTee Studio or Speedtree cinema is my favorite program to create trees. It also has a huge trees library that you could buy separately. The cool thing is that you could save the speedtrees as rhino native file .3dm. The materials are rhino materials, but you could use the "VisConvertRhinoMat" to convert Rhino materials into V-Ray materials. Or you can just let the rhino materials, because we support them.



    • #3
      I have been playing around with the Scatter tool from RhinoGrow for grass. It works pretty well for creating every blade and controlling it. Rhino proxy is the way to go if there are a ton of trees. It is an easy setup if you have the tree file set up before hand.
      Let there B3D

      Steven Houtzager
      3D Renderings & Animations for Product Development and Retail Design - Atlanta, GA


      • #4
        Fer, could you show some example images with speedtrees at Rhino? I'm curious to see the trees at Rhino. ... visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Hi Micha
          I don't have a full scene with SpeedTree trees, but I do have some samples rendered with V-Ray inside Rhino.
          The first three have Rhino materials. I just export the trees as 3dm directly from SpeedTree and opened them in Rhino. I didn't touch the materials at all. The last one I use the command "VisConvertRhinoMat" to convert the rhino material into V-Ray materials. Then I just added a little bit of glossy reflection.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	ST_01.jpg
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Size:	90.2 KB
ID:	854886Click image for larger version

Name:	ST_03.jpg
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ID:	854887Click image for larger version

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Size:	159.6 KB
ID:	854888Click image for larger version

Name:	ST_02.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	96.1 KB
ID:	854889


          • #6
            Very nice looking. How is approx. the polygon count of the threes?

            Thank you,
   ... visualization for designer and architects


            • #7
              I find that they look a lot like the old Accurender trees that are also in Flamingo.
              I know those trees I use to work with Accurender before switching to Vray for Rhino when it came out.
              Far away they look good,but up close not so much.
              I would love to see a plugin like Forrest pack from be available for Rhino,Now those are trees !

