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Graphic card ... Again

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  • Graphic card ... Again

    Ok I know that question must have been ask 2000 times,but I still don't know what to get.
    my quadro 4000 just died,and I need something.I was not particularly happy with that card,in Rhino the display was slow,often got artefact,I had to zoom in and out to get rid of them.
    I mostly work in Rhino 5 and vray,I use RT once in a while,not very often,Mostly because of the graphic card.
    I am on windows 7,64

    any suggestions?

    thanks ,


  • #2
    I know it doesn't help now, but there is a good discussion on discourse
    and here:
    regarding Rhino and Quadro card slowness, and driver solutions for the problem.
    Personally I have no problems with my Q6000, by using the ODE driver with the profile set to Advanced Streaming. Before using using this setting Rhino was very slow on my Q6000.
    Note: I would NOT use the Nvidia Quadro performance drivers.
    Check for new drivers here:
    Latest driver seems to be 347.88
    Regards Michael VS
    Last edited by MvyessSA; 28-03-2015, 09:55 PM.


    • #3
      I had a lot problems with my Q6000 and sold it again. Also it seems to needs a lot of energy and isn't the quietest. I bought a GTX780 6GB strix. This card could be quite fast, but my dual xeon 3.2GHz seems to be not the best CPU configuration for best display speed. So it stay in the medium field, but very stable and silent. ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Hi Micha
        Yes, Been wondering about a GTX780 vs Q6000 and whether it would be worth the change..
        Currently I have a dual screen setup with a Q6000 driving main screen and GTX570 on 2nd screen and use the GTX570 for Vray RT CUDA when needed.
        These 2 x cards seem to work well together and I haven't had any problems sofar, but a single card GTX solution would probably be better if I can get similar or better performance.
        Michael VS


        • #5
          A comparsion of Q6000 vs GTX780 can be found at the Holomark 2 thread. It's not the totally big difference.
 ... visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            Thank you for your replies,I am not sure anymore what is the problem.
            This morning I tried something,switch the connection from display port to dvi,it is working but the resolution is awful,so I thought it is my monitor,I can't do anything with the resollution what ever setting it is always awfull,switch my monitor to another computer,with a diplay port it is working,come back to the first computer,connect another monitor,it is working on display port.
            So it is not the graphic card,it is working with another monitor,and it is not my monitor it is working on another computer...
            My monitor is just not working anymore on my uninstalled completely the driver for the graphic card downloaded the new one,close the computer,come back to my monitor,plug it in the display port,wow now it works,for how long I don't know,because I sometimes get the message on my screen that there is no connection between my computer and the monitor,seems to be completely random...
            Any ideas?
            Because I am completely lost .

            thanks again


            • #7
              Hello Renee
              Wondering whether you have tried another display port to DVI adapter?
              I switched my monitors to both use DVI plug because I had some nasty visual glitches onscreen when using display port with a Display port to DVI adapter.
              I've read many people online have problems with the DP to DVi adapters. Hope you get it sorted out. Michael VS


              • #8
                I don't have an adapter,I switched the complete cable.
                For now it is working again directly with the display port,I will leave it there,and see what happens.Really don't know what was the problem,I don't know if I am imagining thing but the graphic card seems to make more noise.May be it is the beginning of the end.
                Thank You for your infos and time.



                • #9
                  Hello Renee
                  1. The intermittent non-working could just mean contact problem with the Motherboard. Try taking it out and re-seating it in the PCI-E slot.

                  The noise could be due to the fan running faster to maintain temperature.
                  This can be due to either a dusty fan and heatsink or dried out GPU paste. so..
                  2. While you have it out it could be a good time to clean out the fan and cooler ducts by blowing out with either canned compressed air or I use a blower nozzle on my compressor to clean out my GPUs.
                  and / or last resort..
                  3. Check GPU heat paste, can be tricky to replace on these GPUs but there are many how to videos on youtube. The paste dries out with age and doesn't work so well. This means the gpu runs hotter and dries the past out even more, and so on etc.
                  You can run a desktop gadget on windows:
                  With which you can instantly see if you Q4000 is running hot all the time. If so then abit of cleaning or heat paste replacement can extend the GPU's life before it damages itself.
                  Hope this helps. Michael VS


                  • #10
                    Wow Thank You for all this ,I will take a look and let you know !

                    Thanks again


