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Render in Windows issue

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  • Render in Windows issue

    Hi Guys
    We have received some support ticket related to the wrong resolution with the "renderinwindows" command. If you right click the "R" V-Ray render icon to do a region render, we are using "renderinwindow" command.
    Seem that this is McNeel Rhino issue. However, we have implemented a workaround to help alleviate this change.

    Hold the shift key and right click over the "R" render icon. This will bring the Button Editor window

    Under the Right mouse button in the Command section you should see the following (Render_in_Window_1.png):
    !_renderinwindow pause enter

    Please change this to the following (Render_in_Window_2.png):
    !_visRenderBlowup pause enter

    Click Okay to save the change.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Render_in_Window_1.png
Views:	1
Size:	38.2 KB
ID:	881606
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Render_in_Window_2.png
Views:	1
Size:	51.2 KB
ID:	881607

  • #2
    Thanks Fernando, it was indeed acting weird.


    • #3

      I personally wouldn't change this setting...
      I found that changing the script to !_visRenderBlowup pause enter makes the frame buffer window the same size but the actual rendered window is different to the selection area.

      What is happening is that the frame buffer window is changing to the right resolution according to your Vray output settings but it is also changing the position of the image so you don't get whole area you selected in the render window.

      The render window tool works fine as it is. All it's doing is giving you a frame buffer window the same size as your screen/viewport. The selected area you choose is correct and it renders the correct area.

      Changing this script makes it worse.

      Underway Contracts Ltd
      3D Visualisation, Design & Drafting


      • #4
        I agree with Mark.
        The command works fine as long as the viewport aspect ratio matches the output resolution ratio which is usually not the case. You can test this by displaying the safeframe live area which is what will actually be relative to. So if the rendering output is meant to be wider than what the viewport displays and you select an are of the viewport, you won't get what you expect

        Personally, I also use the command 'renderwindow' (notice there is no 'in' in the word, it's different than 'renderINwindow'. its actually a Rhino command and it renders a selected area of the current viewport in the viewport at viewport resolution instead that in the framebuffer and it will use whatever rendering engine is current, not necessarely only the Rhino render engine.
        The advantage is that you can see the rendered area in context with the rest of the model.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	renderwindow.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	514.8 KB
ID:	859975
        Last edited by palosanto; 29-02-2016, 10:47 AM.
        3D Visualization for the Marine Industry

