Hi Guys
We have received some support ticket related to the wrong resolution with the "renderinwindows" command. If you right click the "R" V-Ray render icon to do a region render, we are using "renderinwindow" command.
Seem that this is McNeel Rhino issue. However, we have implemented a workaround to help alleviate this change.
Hold the shift key and right click over the "R" render icon. This will bring the Button Editor window
Under the Right mouse button in the Command section you should see the following (Render_in_Window_1.png):
!_renderinwindow pause enter
Please change this to the following (Render_in_Window_2.png):
!_visRenderBlowup pause enter
Click Okay to save the change.

We have received some support ticket related to the wrong resolution with the "renderinwindows" command. If you right click the "R" V-Ray render icon to do a region render, we are using "renderinwindow" command.
Seem that this is McNeel Rhino issue. However, we have implemented a workaround to help alleviate this change.
Hold the shift key and right click over the "R" render icon. This will bring the Button Editor window
Under the Right mouse button in the Command section you should see the following (Render_in_Window_1.png):
!_renderinwindow pause enter
Please change this to the following (Render_in_Window_2.png):
!_visRenderBlowup pause enter
Click Okay to save the change.