if I use the interpolation feature than I have the problem to problems.
First, some times I would like to temporary disable all material interpolation. I suppose here a global option is needed.
The second problem, if I render different output sizes than I would like to change the interpolation max rate. I think a good tool could be a script that synchronize all interpolation max rates to the global current IM max rate. For example I use max -1 for small previews and -2 (-3) for large renderings.
An other script could reset all materials and disable any refl/refrac interpolation. Often I have the problem that I don't find the last material where the interpolation was enabled.
if I use the interpolation feature than I have the problem to problems.
First, some times I would like to temporary disable all material interpolation. I suppose here a global option is needed.
The second problem, if I render different output sizes than I would like to change the interpolation max rate. I think a good tool could be a script that synchronize all interpolation max rates to the global current IM max rate. For example I use max -1 for small previews and -2 (-3) for large renderings.
An other script could reset all materials and disable any refl/refrac interpolation. Often I have the problem that I don't find the last material where the interpolation was enabled.