I haven?t used Vray for production work since an earlier version. I am considering purchasing the new Version for Rhino and have some questions.
The recently released 3.6 looks amazing and has brought features into Rhino that I?m unable to do with our other rendering packages (Octane and Thea). Namely, animated proxies, and the Vray Fur. Plus, the UI looks very nice and approachable.
I have been able to answer most of my questions through reading and looking at tutorials, however there are still a few unanswered and I was hoping that I could get the answers here.
My questions are:
I haven?t used Vray for production work since an earlier version. I am considering purchasing the new Version for Rhino and have some questions.
The recently released 3.6 looks amazing and has brought features into Rhino that I?m unable to do with our other rendering packages (Octane and Thea). Namely, animated proxies, and the Vray Fur. Plus, the UI looks very nice and approachable.
I have been able to answer most of my questions through reading and looking at tutorials, however there are still a few unanswered and I was hoping that I could get the answers here.
My questions are:
- I would be using the GPU render in Vray exclusively. From what I can tell, it looks production ready with only a few missing features from Vray CPU. Is this a correct assumption?
- Animation is important for me ? I use Bongo because it never fails that a client will ask for something like a door opening or a cabinet drawer slide out, etc. So, the basic Rhino Animation functions don?t work for my workflow. Does Vray for Rhino work with Bongo?
- I?m a bit confused on how some of the new animation features work with Vray, like the animated proxies ? it looks like Vray for Rhino has its own animation settings and that it has to record an animation? If so, this concerns me because this would imply that those features, like the animated proxies, would not work within a Bongo animation since a Bongo animation is run via a ?Render Animation? in the Bongo tab. Can you explain this further please? I?d basically like to be able to set up an animation via Bongo with both camera and object animation, but ALSO have animated proxies as well. So, can Vray ?record? a Bongo animation?
- If Vray will work with Bongo, will it take advantage of the ?single scene load? mentioned in the promotional video? Or is that ONLY for Rhino animation and not Bongo?
- It looks like there is some functionality between Grasshopper and Vray, which is terrific. Are there plans to continue developing this relationship? Maybe even be able to animate changes in Grasshopper with Vray?
- I read this article on your blog regarding Vray Next : https://www.chaosgroup.com/blog/next-level-gpu-rendering-in-v-ray-next I was wondering if some of these features/enhancements would also be making their way into Rhino? Is the goal with Vray to continue to make each plugin as feature rich as possible so that each software package has similar or exact features? I ask because, often, packages like 3D Max will get more features that other packages (I realize you probably make more money off of the Max plugin due to more users).
- It sounds like the Vray clipping plane is a Rhino Clipping Plane that gets converted at render time. If so, does that mean that the Clipping plane can be animated? This, I think comes back to Bongo again, which will animate clipping planes.
- Can the denoiser be used with animation? Or is it not recommended due to creating artifacts between frames?
- Do the Rhino Render Effects work? Edge Softening specifically, we use this quite often.
- Does a single workstation license cover all hardware on a single machine? (Most of our workstations have several graphics cards which is why I ask)
- I heard there was a dongle required to run Vray, but I don?t see any mention of that on the ?Buy? page of your website. Is it still required?