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Cannot GPU render

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  • Cannot GPU render

    I have a Nvida GTX770 with 4GB and since day 1 I have never been able to render in GPU mode. I've been always busy so I haven't really had time to look at the issue. Essentially it goes through the render phases very quickly and it says 'finished' in a few seconds and gives me a black screen as result.

    I have the card latest drivers and here is the GPU device selection information. Is there anything else that I need to do?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	GPU-devices.jpg
Views:	2083
Size:	73.4 KB
ID:	999759
    3D Visualization for the Marine Industry

  • #2
    Could you please provide some additional information:
    - Does this occur will all projects or specific one?
    - What is the full version number of the GPU drivers?
    - Could you please provide a full copy of the V-Ray Progress log? There must be an error printed somewhere. If the CUDA device was not recognized, V-Ray would fall back to the CPU and render normally.
    - Are you using custom render settings? Does the issue persist if you 'Revert to Default Render Settings'?
    Last edited by georgi.georgiev; 13-06-2018, 12:42 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by georgi.georgiev View Post
      Could you please provide some additional information:
      - Does this occur will all projects or specific one?
      - What is the full version number of the GPU drivers?
      - Could you please provide a full copy of the V-Ray Progress log? There must be an error printed somewhere. If the CUDA device was not recognized, V-Ray would fall back to the CPU and render normally.
      - Are you using custom render settings? Does the issue persist if you 'Revert to Default Render Settings'?
      - It happens on all projects and brand new scenes.
      - Nvida GTX770 Driver version BIOS Version 80.04.e6.00.1c
      - Yes, there is an error even after reverting to default settings.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	progress.jpg
Views:	1998
Size:	161.9 KB
ID:	999941
      3D Visualization for the Marine Industry


      • #4
        Hi there,

        This does seem like a driver issue. The NVidia driver reports to V-Ray that there are no CUDA devices in your system. The driver version you are reporting is from the task manager, but I would like to know the number as reported by NVidia.
        Could you please open a Run window (Windows button + R) and type in this line:

        C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvidia-smi.exe -l

        You should see this window pop-up

        It would be extremely helpful if you could send a screenshot of this window back.

        Also, you can check out this thread as I believe it discusses the same problem and the solution in the end will work for you.
        Last edited by a7az0th; 13-06-2018, 11:23 PM.
        Alexander Soklev | Team Lead | V-Ray GPU


        • #5
          Actually today I updated the drivers again: Here is screenshot .... not supported ? !!

          Click image for larger version

Name:	nvidia.jpg
Views:	1959
Size:	80.8 KB
ID:	1000032

          3D Visualization for the Marine Industry


          • #6
            You should not be worried about that "Not Supported" line. That section is about monitoring the CUDA process name(s) active on the GPU via nvidia-smi, because NVidia believes that to be a 'professional' feature, it is restricted to higher end cards that are fully supported by nvidia-smi.

            Other than that, we have no information about Driver 398.11 causing troubles, so it should work fine with V-Ray GPU. If V-Ray is still unable to find your GPU, using Display Driver Uninstaller to completely wipe out the NVidia driver might help. Sometimes the NVidia uninstaller fails to properly cleanup the driver and leaves it in a broken state and that can persist for even future installations. Display Driver Uninstaller fixes that.
            Alexander Soklev | Team Lead | V-Ray GPU


            • #7
              I went through the uninstaller and did a clean install of 398.11 and the problem persists. Now I'm worried that it's not the video card but something else. I'm about to receive a 6GB GTX 1060 that I bought a few days ago and I'm worried that I'll have the same problem ...
              Can the motherboard be incompatible or some other hardware issue ?
              EDIT: I forgot about the suggestion of installing an older driver. I'll try to find a 388.xx for my 770 and get back to you.
              Last edited by palosanto; 14-06-2018, 09:47 AM.
              3D Visualization for the Marine Industry


              • #8
                Success .... So it looks like drivers newer that 388.xx have serious problems. I'm GPU rendering for the first time with VR 3.
                Thanks for your help guys.
                3D Visualization for the Marine Industry


                • #9
                  Glad we got that sorted out.
                  I will make a note that 398.11 is causing troubles with GTX 770

                  Happy rendering
                  Alexander Soklev | Team Lead | V-Ray GPU


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by a7az0th View Post
                    Glad we got that sorted out.
                    I will make a note that 398.11 is causing troubles with GTX 770

                    Happy rendering
                    Do you guys notify Nvidia ? Like I said this affects drivers after 388.xx
                    3D Visualization for the Marine Industry

