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Save camera focus distance in Rhino Named Views

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  • Save camera focus distance in Rhino Named Views

    If it is possible, it would be great to save Vray camera focus distance in rhino named views. I often use DoF in vray camera setting and I need to focus camera different in every named views (camera positions).
    So now it is impossible for me to run a batch render, because before every camera position I need to manual set focus distance.

  • #2
    The pitfall is that the DOF target mode is set to a default distance of 200 instead of "camera target" like in the past. Since nearly nobody needs fixed 200 but nearly all user need the camera target it should be changed. So, pavol_pastork you need to enable this mode and save the target of your camera per view. (There is a V-Ray button tool to move the focus to an object.)

    georgi.georgiev I reported it in the past and I ask me - could it be changed? Maybe now? ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Micha Thanks Micha. But, the V-ray focus to an object does not change the rhino camera target. It only change the focus distance in DoF in Vray.
      So, I found _CameraTarget button in Rhino, but it turns set camera view so that camera target is always at center od camera. Workaround could be to first set the camera position, then set camera target and then rotate camera (without moving) to previous position.
      georgi.georgiev do you have another simpler solution?


      • #4
        Maybe I have overseen something, but it should work like you need it:

        * use the button to move the camera target
        * save you your named view again
        * use camera target DOF mode

        So, always if you recall a view you get the saved target like you ask for - target per named view.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 01-06-21 at 09.05 AM.JPG
Views:	529
Size:	12.6 KB
ID:	1097879 ... visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          It does not work as expected. Button which you mentioned only change vray focus but it does not change rhino camera target position. Tried several times with showed camera points in rhino.

          For now it works as I wrote: Set camera target (_CameraTarget) and then rotate camera (without moving by CTRL+ALT+Shift + RMB) to previous position. And then set Vray DOF to "Camera Target mode"
          Last edited by pavol_pastork; 06-01-2021, 03:01 AM.


          • #6
            Right, my mistake. I use own button scripts since years for this job and thought the official button doe's the same. You should try this scripts, it are my favourites. This scripts should be Rhino or V-Ray standard.

            Move Focus
            -_RunScript (
            ' Tested with Rhino3 SR4 only.
            ' Moves a perspective projection view's target plane to pass through a given point.
            ' Affected view is that which is active when the script is launched.
            ' User is prompted to pick a point, in any view, through which the initial view's
            ' target plane is to pass.
            ' Last modified - 2006 September 30
            Option Explicit
            Sub MoveTargetPlane()
            Dim viewName
            Dim targetCPlane
            Dim userPoint, userPointCP
            Dim newTargetPoint, newTargetPointCP
            Dim cameraPoint
            Dim cameraUp
            viewName = Rhino.CurrentView
            If Not Rhino.IsViewPerspective(viewName) Then
            Rhino.Print "MoveTargetPlane works in perspective projection views only."
            Exit Sub
            End If
            userPoint = Rhino.GetPoint("Pick point in desired target plane")
            Rhino.CurrentView viewName
            If IsNull(userPoint) Then
            Rhino.Print "No point was picked."
            Exit Sub
            End If
            Rhino.EnableRedraw False
            targetCPlane = GetViewTargetCPlane(viewName)
            userPointCP = Rhino.XformWorldToCPlane(userPoint, targetCPlane)
            newTargetPointCP = Array(0,0,userPointCP(2))
            newTargetPoint = Rhino.XformCPlaneToWorld(newTargetPointCP, targetCPlane)
            cameraPoint = Rhino.ViewCamera(viewName)
            cameraUp = Rhino.ViewCameraUp(viewName)
            Rhino.ViewCameraTarget viewName, cameraPoint, newTargetPoint
            Rhino.ViewCameraUp viewName, cameraUp
            Rhino.Print "Target plane moved by " & CStr(Abs(newTargetPointCP(2))) & " units."
            Rhino.EnableRedraw True
            End Sub
            Function GetViewTargetCPlane(viewName)
            GetViewTargetCPlane = Null
            If Not Rhino.IsView(viewName) Then Exit Function
            Dim initialActiveView
            Dim initialViewCPlane
            Dim targetCPlane
            initialActiveView = Rhino.CurrentView(viewName)
            initialViewCPlane = Rhino.ViewCPlane(viewName)
            Rhino.Command "_CPlane _View", False
            targetCPlane = Rhino.ViewCPlane(viewName)
            Rhino.ViewCPlane viewName, initialViewCPlane
            Rhino.CurrentView initialActiveView
            GetViewTargetCPlane = targetCPlane
            End Function
            Show focus plane

            -_RunScript (
            ' Tested with Rhino3 SR4 only.
            ' Draws a 30% transparent plane on a perspective projection view's target plane.
            ' Affected view is that which is active when the script is launched.
            ' The drawn plane fills the view. Selection state of objects is unaffected.
            ' Last modified - 2006 September 30
            Option Explicit
            DrawTargetPlane 30
            Sub DrawTargetPlane(transparency)
            Dim viewName
            Dim initialViewCPlane
            Dim targetCPlane
            Dim nearClipPlaneTopLeft, nearClipPlaneTopLeftCP
            Dim cameraCP
            Dim nearToTargetFactor
            Dim targetTopLeftCP, targetBottomRightCP
            viewName = Rhino.CurrentView
            If Not Rhino.IsViewPerspective(viewName) Then
            Rhino.Print "DrawTargetPlane works in perspective projection views only."
            Exit Sub
            End If
            initialViewCPlane = Rhino.ViewCPlane(viewName)
            Rhino.EnableRedraw False
            Rhino.Command "_CPlane _View", False
            targetCPlane = Rhino.ViewCPlane(viewName)
            nearClipPlaneTopLeft = Rhino.XformScreenToWorld(Array(0,0))
            nearClipPlaneTopLeftCP = Rhino.XformWorldToCPlane(nearClipPlaneTopLeft, targetCPlane)
            cameraCP = Rhino.XformWorldToCPlane(Rhino.ViewCamera(viewName ), targetCPlane)
            nearToTargetFactor = cameraCP(2) / (cameraCP(2) - nearClipPlaneTopLeftCP(2))
            targetTopLeftCP = VectorScale(nearClipPlaneTopLeftCP, nearToTargetFactor)
            targetTopLeftCP(2) = 0
            targetBottomRightCP = VectorNegate(targetTopLeftCP)
            AddTransparentPlane targetTopLeftCP, targetBottomRightCP, transparency
            Rhino.ViewCPlane viewName, initialViewCPlane
            Rhino.EnableRedraw True
            End Sub
            Sub AddTransparentPlane(topLeft, bottomRight, transparency)
            Dim initialSelectedObjects
            initialSelectedObjects = Rhino.SelectedObjects(True)
            Rhino.Command ("_Plane " & Rhino.Pt2Str(topLeft, 12, True) & Rhino.Pt2Str(bottomRight, 12)), False
            If Rhino.LastCommandResult <> 0 Then
            Rhino.Print "Error adding plane."
            Rhino.FirstObject True
            Rhino.Command ("_-Properties _Material _Object _Enter _Transparency " & transparency & " _Enter _Enter"), False
            End If
            If IsArray(initialSelectedObjects) Then
            Rhino.SelectObjects initialSelectedObjects
            End If
            End Sub
            Function VectorNegate(v)
            VectorNegate = Null
            If Not IsArray(v) Or (UBound(v) <> 2) Then Exit Function
            VectorNegate = Array(-v(0), -v(1), -v(2))
            End Function
            Function VectorScale(v, d)
            VectorScale = Null
            If Not IsArray(v) Or (UBound(v) <> 2) Then Exit Function
            If Not IsNumeric(d) Then Exit Function
            VectorScale = Array(v(0) * d, v(1) * d, v(2) * d)
            End Function
   ... visualization for designer and architects


            • #7
              Thank you very much, It works.


              • #8
                Hi pavol_pastork

                You could also use Rhino's Snapshots (LINK), which store V-Ray render settings and afterwards using V-Ray Batch Render to render all saved snapshots in a sequence.


                • #9
                  Thanks for reminder. I tried Snapshots few times, but didn´t know about storing V-ray render settings too.


                  • #10
                    georgi.georgiev What do you think about:

                    * make "camera target" as default DOF mode and
                    * adding a button to move the target so that the state can be saved to the named view?
           ... visualization for designer and architects


                    • #11

                      If I understand correctly the request, these options already exist in the render settings (LINK)


                      • #12
                        georgi.georgiev Sorry, this isn't what I mean. The tool at the render settings measure the distance and set the distance only.

                        * (A) Current method measure the distance from the scene and bring it to the DOF option. This can't be saved to a named view. Default: distance mode

                        * (B) Requested workflow - a tool allow to move the Rhino camera target to a point where wanted and this change can be saved to a named view. Requested Default: camera target mode

                        In the past (B) was the default mode of VfR1/2. Much easier workflow by named views, also working for Bongo animation.
               ... visualization for designer and architects


                        • #13

                          Thank you for the clarification!

                          The request for Camera Target as default value has been logged.

                          Regarding the focus point, is the Pick Point option not sufficient enough? Understandably a visual representation of the point in the viewport would be helpful, however, the setting can be saved in a snapshot.
                          Otherwise if camera target is used as DOF mode, you could use Rhino's Camera widget (F6) or properties panel to specify the target.


                          • #14
                            No, the Pick Point isn't sufficient enough. Never I used it, because I prefer an easier workflow. Named Views are the basic standard - stable, easy to use, no unwanted side effects like by Snapshots. Named views are saving the target/focus point, why not use them?

                            My workflow is simple:
                            * personal Pick Point script moves the focus/target point of the camera
                            * save the named view

                            Using "Rhino's Camera widget (F6) or properties panel to specify the target" is cumbersome and doesn't work, since the view will changed, if the wanted focus point isn't in the middle of the view. My script (it's not from me) moved the target so that the focus can be free set. I used it really often. (The second script is not in the focus of my request, it's nice to have only.)

                            I'm careful with Snapshot. It's powerful, but has some problems. For example it can't be used for the current scene without the file is reloaded. Very bad for large project files (1..2GB). Also I don't trust Snapshot, it saves to much some times and some times it destroy things. I wouldn't use it for simple tasks like saving views.
                   ... visualization for designer and architects

