Simple really. Why is the drop down list in the grasshopper "Material from Project" component in a really random order rather than alphabetically? It makes it so much harder to quickly select the material I want. I can only presume this is built in to how grasshopper collects information from rhino and is to do with a material ID# or the order in which the materials were created / added to the document!?

The closest I can get to a work around solution at the moment is to use the Human "Material Table" component sorted via a "Text Sort" component and slected via a Human "Item Selector" component then plugged in to the Vray "Material from Project" component. The limitation is that the "Material Table" component can't see Vray materials that aren't present in the scene (i.e. already applied to an object).

The closest I can get to a work around solution at the moment is to use the Human "Material Table" component sorted via a "Text Sort" component and slected via a Human "Item Selector" component then plugged in to the Vray "Material from Project" component. The limitation is that the "Material Table" component can't see Vray materials that aren't present in the scene (i.e. already applied to an object).