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Horizontal shift

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  • Horizontal shift

    This is something I wish for so long! As I just started to use vantage right now (which is amazing) and found out about the horizontal shift option here I more then ever wish to have a corresponding option in my vray production settings. It is just a small tab and it would help so much! Please add it to the camera.

    And talking about the camera: it would be so helpful to have some more advanced safe frame options for composition pruposes like a grid, centre lines, etc...

    Please, please, please! I know there are workarounds but they don't really flow. Archviz within Rhino requires those tools!

    Any response from the devs is highly appreciated. Thanks!

  • #2
    I miss it too. I don't need it often, but if needed, than it's a great powerful feature, I see no reason why to hide it.

    There was a trick to use the V-Ray feature, but I can't find the info/script for it. Maybe it was at the beta tester forum.
    Last edited by Micha; 07-07-2022, 12:38 AM. ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      ... found the script from Gijs. Maybe it helps for now. But still I hope to get a direct option at the VfR UI.
      Attached Files ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Thanks Micha! I'll try this.


        • #5
          Any response from chaos?


          • #6
            .... hello? Please....


            • #7
              Hello toniboni ,

              Thank you for suggesting this. I logged a feature request for implementing Horizontal and Vertical shift for the Camera.

              Kind regards,
              Iva Mancheva
              V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA


              • #8
                Thanks Iva,

                I guess the vertical shift is already there, just missing the horizontal one. I hope to find it in the next version!
                Thanks again.


                • #9
                  Still sad, that this little but helpful feature didn't make it into v6. Not giving up here....


                  • #10
                    The addition of Horizontal lens shift control was indeed not selected for the initial V-Ray 6 release. We are still debating whether to implement it in the main UI or keep it as a semi-hidden option.
                    toniboni, can you please advise how often do you use it in your projects (via script or in Chaos Vantage) and what shots you mostly use it for?
                    Peter Chaushev
                    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


                    • #11
                      Hi Peter,

                      Thanks for getting back on this. Not using it very often to be honest, but when I need it it would save a lot of time and workaround hustle because I don't have to render the full stretch and then crop it manually in the end. This also would help to avoid any workflow flaws. I use it only for architectural visualizations, but here I think it would really help to simulate large format cameras and work more professionally. Obviously the by far preferred solution would be the direct control in the rhino viewport but I guess this is beyond your influence.
                      Thanks for considering!



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Peter.Chaushev View Post
                        The addition of Horizontal lens shift control was indeed not selected for the initial V-Ray 6 release. We are still debating whether to implement it in the main UI or keep it as a semi-hidden option.
                        toniboni, can you please advise how often do you use it in your projects (via script or in Chaos Vantage) and what shots you mostly use it for?
                        We would also really like to see vertical and horizontal lens shift options. We use it for architectural visualisations, and this is key for getting the correct render area whilst
                        maintaining orthogonal view,


                        • #13

                          You can use the script below to control the Horizontal lens shift. You can do this by running the EditPythonScript command, then copy and paste the script in the Rhino Python Editor and click on the green "Start Debugging" button:
                          import rhVRay as vray
                          with vray.Scene.Transaction():
                              camera = vray.Scene.Plugin("/CameraPhysical")
                              camera.horizontal_shift = 0.1
                          You can play with the camera.horizontal_shift value and run the script multiple times until you get a satisfying result. Please let me know if you have any questions.

                          Kind regards,
                          Iva Mancheva
                          V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA


                          • #14
                            Thanks - does this also work for Vertical shift? Is the corresponding code just camera.vertical_shift ?


                            • #15
                              Hello studio_plusthree, Vertical shift is exposed in the V-Ray Asset Editor under the Camera settings > Effects > Vertical Lens Tilt (example). Please check this option and let us know if this is what you were looking for.
                              Natalia Gruzdova |
                              Chaos Support Representative | contact us

