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Wish: disable denoise for selected materials

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  • Wish: disable denoise for selected materials


    I miss an option to disable the denoiser for textures with noise structure. Could be nice to get an flag option to keep selected material undenoised.

    -Micha ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Hello Micha ,

    Thank you for the request. Could you please tell us more about in what situations would you like to use this option, for example what do you use the noise textures for? Do you mean it as a checkbox in each material's properties, which enables/disables the Denoiser for this material?
    There have been similar requests for V-Ray in general, like allowing masks on the Denoiser layer, excluding materials and objects. Unfortunately this will be technically very hard to implement.

    Note that there is a quite easy way to do it in VFB: Render the image with Denoiser enabled and Cryptomatte Render Element with ID Type - "Material Name". In VFB change the Source to "Composite", then add the "RBG Color" Render element first and "denoiser" Render element over it (Blend Mode of both render elements is "Normal"). Then you can add a Cryptomatte mask on the denoiser RE, pick the objects you want to exclude from Denoising and Invert the mask. Make sure to disable the Denoiser layer.
    The other way would be to render the image twice - with and without Denoiser, again with a Cryptomatte mask and do the masking in post.

    Kind regards,
    Iva Mancheva
    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA


    • #3
      Hi iva_mancheva,

      the wanted option would allow to keep the denoiser away from materials where a fine noise is part of the texture - for example a fine grainy carpet. Yes, a flag option or a multiplier for 0..1 (0..100% denoiser) would be nice. Internal it could be coded like described manual workflow. A mask layer is generated and raw and denoised version are blended together.

      Thank you for detailed answer.

      Best -
      Micha ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Partially denoising the scene may introduce potential risks, especially during interactive rendering (fast effects update), thus this request will not be developed.
        For scenes where fine details are lost during denoising, please use the V-Ray Denoiser's controls or the workflow described by Iva.

        Kind regards,
        Peter Chaushev
        V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


        • #5
          Originally posted by iva_mancheva View Post
          Note that there is a quite easy way to do it in VFB: Render the image with Denoiser enabled and Cryptomatte Render Element with ID Type - "Material Name". In VFB change the Source to "Composite", then add the "RBG Color" Render element first and "denoiser" Render element over it (Blend Mode of both render elements is "Normal"). Then you can add a Cryptomatte mask on the denoiser RE, pick the objects you want to exclude from Denoising and Invert the mask. Make sure to disable the Denoiser layer.
          Today I tried it and I wouldn't call it a "quite easy way", but final I got it working. Thank you for the tutorial. Very interesting.
 ... visualization for designer and architects

