Hello everyone!
I haven't been using VrayForRhino in production for a few years now, since 2019 I've been using Max+Vray.
I have continued to use It from time to time and have always tested new versions, but from this month I will start teaching a Product Rendering with Vfr course at a private university, so I will be more present on the forum and will probably storm you with requests for improvements and bug fixes.
I would like to point out a couple of really key missing features, especially for integration with a very product design related software like rhino:
- eye dropper is missing in color picker:
In 2023 it is inexcusable, also because rhino 7 has a very good color picker with eye dropper, I remember me asking this in the past and you told me that it was not easy to implement but please find a way to make it work as soon as possible.
- light option include exclude: this option is so useful and saves so much time that I think it should be on the top of your priority list.
- Slate Material editor:
I hope you are working on this, this is also a key element, the material editor however improved in the latest versions is light years less effective when it comes to understanding how a material is structured, and this is doubly important when you have to teach it.
- Renders Setting by default different from V-ray for max:
Can you explain me why in Vfr GI reflective caustics are turned off by default?
Why is the allow interactive light cache option off in ipr?
also the noise limit values are different , same thing for light cache and surely other that i don't remember now.
I'll stop here for now, but over the next three months as I progress through the course I will update you on issues that come up.
