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Region render de-select

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  • Region render de-select


    I thought about a de-select render region while rendering. For Example, I am rendering an architecture scene HQ 4000p+ and after one- or two-hour render time I see that I still have to make some changes in a region. Now it would be great to de-select this region, so I don´t bother to render this time, instead, I make my changes and render this region later on.

    Of course, I could use the "follow mouse"-feature to render everything else first and then abort the rendering. But I am afraid some effects won't update properly if the render does not finish.

    In this scene, I saw that the trees, outdoor furniture, and stones were not on ground level, but I had to render everything anyway because I had no time to render the whole picture again.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	174
Size:	1.56 MB
ID:	1199060

    It would have been great to draw a rectangle over this area and everything there just gets ignored. Especially this area took a long time due to the DOF. I hope you understand what I mean.I am currently in my master's thesis and my brain is already mud.

    Also: a poly-lasso selection tool in addition to the rectangle selection for the render region would be a nice thing to have.


  • #2
    Another idea just came to me. How about you could select regions that are rendered in different qualities? Like high quality where you want to have the focus and low quality surrounding this region. For example, in this picture, the upper and lower 20% of the picture would not have to be rendered in HQ. This might have saved hours of render time.

    I have no clue if this is possible, programming-wise, or not. Just ideas,


    • #3
      While I am on it. Multiple regions would be a great thing. like dragging multiple regions by pressing shift.

