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Wish: sharpening for local contrast enhancement

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  • Wish: sharpening for local contrast enhancement


    very often I enhance my renderings with a trick: I use a sharpening filter with different radius against a dull mood. Typical values are 20%and1Pixel, 10%and30Pixel and 10%and64Pixel. Very useful for interior renderings too. But in postwork on simple 8bit PNG it can cause banding.

    It would be fantastic if sharpening with radius and intensity could be direct done at the frame buffer. I would save me a lot of time for the post work and the quality would be better.

    Is this not a simple tool which could be quite easy added to the frame buffer layers?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	163
Size:	866.4 KB
ID:	1201207 ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Here an other example - on the right the enhanced contrast by radius 1,30 and 60. Can you see the fresh, crisp enhancement?

    Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	1.38 MB ID:	1201209 ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Ha, the layer already exists. I had totally overlooked it. There's just one problem, the radius is limited to a maximum of 50. Please allow a radius of up to 200 or even more, it's needed for large images. A large radius with low intensity helps against a dull look, it's something like the clarity in Camera Raw.

      And very important - the user should be able to setup more than one sharpness layer. For example one for radius 1 for small details and radius 60 for clarity.
      Last edited by Micha; 02-02-2024, 03:43 AM. ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Next problem - the V-Ray Sharpener creates strange color and halo effects. Here a comparison:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	144
Size:	6.65 MB
ID:	1201237​color effect ... visualization for designer and architects

