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Material Editor

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  • Material Editor

    Okay, I feel this is going to be a make or break point - something that will encourage users that are already importing their models in to Max form Rhino for rendering to do it locally in Rhino.

    I realize that this is still in beta stages, but the material editor is essential. You have to have some form of preview window for the material that updates after a change to the material parameters. What would attract a lot of hardcore max rendering people would be a material editor that's has a look and feel to it like Max's material roll out.

    Another point is that the VRay core should be essentially the same in Max than it is in Rhino. This means that objects and materials should render relatively the same in both VRay for Max and VRay for Rhino, this would allow you bring materials built in Max over to Rhino. Perhaps a save to .txt file option can be encouraged in the Max (I told Vlado of the idea a few days before I found out about this beta), then an import option in the Rhino material editor could copy the material settings off the .txt file. I tried to open a .mat file from max in notepad and the info is all garbled, so that's a no go I guess.

    Just my 2 cents.


  • #2
    Material Editor


    Great points! All points are being considered at this time.

    Best regards,

    Best regards,

    Corey Rubadue

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Material Editor

      I second that the material editor is one of the most essential things. The max material editor is quite O.K. The main thing is the material preview, otherwise it will be very hard guessing to get things right.
      You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


      • #4
        Material Editor

        My 2 cents - make possible to import 3dsmax mat files (of course only for VRay mat's inside it). So there's no troubles with mat editor (in betas)... anyway max mat editor much more flexible and simple
        I just can't seem to trust myself
        So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
        CG Artist


        • #5
          Material Editor

          these are all excellent points. I will try to get in a preview window at the very least. A full blown material editor may be a little ways off, but I agree you shouldn't have to render to see if your materials are correct. Thanks for the suggestion
          Best regards,
          Joe Bacigalupa

          Chaos Group

