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Vray for Rhino and Animation

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  • Vray for Rhino and Animation


    Vray is very fast. Wonderful. Let's make an animation. The simple turntable tool of Rhino let Vray render each frame, but the images are not saved. Maybe here caneasy something be done in the code.

    Next test: Bongo. It dosn't work. Only the first frame will be rendered, but my GI settings are ignored - no GI in the image. Than stop, no next frame.

    So my big wish: please make Vray for Rhino ready for Rhino animations.

    -Micha - visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Vray for Rhino and Animation

    previously the turntable animation all worked out fine and the images saved. I'll have to see what is causing the problem.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Vray for Rhino and Animation

      ... and what do you think about Bongo Animation? - visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Vray for Rhino and Animation

        I won't rule it out, but it probably won't be in VRay for Rhino 1.0
        Best regards,
        Joe Bacigalupa

        Chaos Group


        • #5
          Vray for Rhino and Animation

          Originally posted by joeb
          previously the turntable animation all worked out fine and the images saved. I'll have to see what is causing the problem.
          I have tested it today again but it dosn't work here. Do it works somewhere? Maybe my configuration is wrong. It could be sooo nice for architecture viz. The simple rhino animation tools are good enough.
 - visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            Vray for Rhino and Animation

            So that you know this is posted in the known issues list of the readme file. Which is what you guys wished for...please read it.

            -- Rhino Animation no longer rendering (There are no current plans to support Bongo with V-Ray for Rhino 1.0)

            Best Regards,

            Best regards,

            Corey Rubadue

            Chaos Group


            • #7
              Vray for Rhino and Animation

              Originally posted by crubadue
              So that you know this is posted in the known issues list of the readme file. Which is what you guys wished for...please read it.

              -- Rhino Animation no longer rendering (There are no current plans to support Bongo with V-Ray for Rhino 1.0)

              Best Regards,

              I have thought this is limited for Bongo, not the turntable and fly through script.
              An other problem is, that some months befor David Rutten has written a render queue script and this dosn't work now too. Vray is so super fast, but what can I do if I want to render ten views at one night?
     - visualization for designer and architects


              • #8
                Vray for Rhino and Animation


                We understand your concerns. They have been noted. We are for sure going to fix the native rhino animation. I hope that is clear.

                We cannot say that we will support this previously mentioned script by David Rutten. We will take a look at this when we can.

                Best regards,

                Best regards,

                Corey Rubadue

                Chaos Group


                • #9
                  Vray for Rhino and Animation

                  Thanks for your answer. "We are for sure going to fix the native rhino animation." sounds good.
         - visualization for designer and architects


                  • #10
                    Vray for Rhino and Animation

                    The problem is because I don't use the stock Rhino render frame. All of the built-in animation scripts rely on functionality of that stock render frame. I need to find a way to make a dummy stock frame that doesn't show up or impede any of our current functionality. Also the animation renderings would have to be be modal - you will not be able to work in Rhino when an animation is rendering...

                    So there are a bunch of factors that are causing this to take me a bit longer than I would have hoped. But yes, we will resolve this in one way or the other as soon as we possibly can.
                    Best regards,
                    Joe Bacigalupa

                    Chaos Group

