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Michas Wishlist

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  • #16
    Michas Wishlist

    ... a "north" angle control for HDRI environment, so that the environment can be turned around the scene.

    Often I have the problem that I try to use a HDRI environment, but the orientation of the HDRI is wrong. For example I have a architecture model aligned to 2D drawing. I use a outdoor HDRI, but the sun is in the wrong direction. I can not turn my model, so I would like to turn the environment.

    Maybe, this option is not available per VRay core, than it could be great to turn the Rhino model internal per coordinate transformation. I think, this option is very useful.

    -Micha - visualization for designer and architects


    • #17
      Michas Wishlist

      I am putting in controls to rotate HDRI in this coming beta build or the one after.
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group


      • #18
        Michas Wishlist

        Originally posted by joeb
        I am putting in controls to rotate HDRI in this coming beta build or the one after.
        Wonderful. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #19
          Michas Wishlist

          ... background image - an image fill the viewport background complete and is working like a big textured plane in the background. This virtual plane is visible in reflections and refractions. Simple solution: a "frontal camera view" mapping option at the mapping type chooser of the environment

          ... independent global disable maps for the different map types + "isable all" button

          ... a synchronize button for the GI environment and the background environment path
 - visualization for designer and architects


          • #20
            Michas Wishlist

            Here an exotic wish. (now I'm slaphappy ) For next christmas I wish a stereo vray camera. This camera type could render two eye views side by side in one image.

            Background: at the moment I started to make architecture visualisation. It is very interesting and difficult. I ask me, how do I get the best impression of a room in a rendering?

   - visualization for designer and architects


            • #21
              Michas Wishlist

              Originally posted by Micha
              Background: at the moment I started to make architecture visualisation. It is very interesting and difficult. I ask me, how do I get the best impression of a room in a rendering?
              Hu? I don't understand your question here, is it related to you stereo image wish?
              Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


              • #22
                Michas Wishlist

                Originally posted by flipside
                Originally posted by Micha
                Background: at the moment I started to make architecture visualisation. It is very interesting and difficult. I ask me, how do I get the best impression of a room in a rendering?
                Hu? I don't understand your question here, is it related to you stereo image wish?
                No, it's more a basic question for me. A stereo rendering could be one answer.
                If I have some images ready to show, I will start a post at the general section about arch viz.
                Or do somebody have some link to good tutorials? For example I have find out now that wideangle lenses are not useful for me, because a small room looks like a hall.
       - visualization for designer and architects


                • #23
                  Michas Wishlist

                  The reason that your eye gets a good impression of a small room, is because you look around. In fact only 1% of your vision is sharp, the rest is side view and gets more blurry to the side, and even gets colored in by your brain to some extent. We don't notice this because we move our eyes rapidly to form a general image. So if you want to show small spaces without using a fish eye lense, just render multiple views, or even an animation, that will give you the most natural representation of the room. Look at those tv programs where they show houses for sale, they always move the camera around a bit to show the whole space, works quite well.
                  Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


                  • #24
                    Michas Wishlist

                    Wouter, thank you for the suggestions. I have tested the small camera move and it look quite good.
                    It's a pity that the Rhino animation dosn't work.

                    A good method to get a view in all direction but without strong distortion is the VR movie. The box camera is wonderful.
           - visualization for designer and architects


                    • #25
                      Michas Wishlist

                      A problem for my workflow is, that I use different paths for different usage - HDRIs are in a HDRI directory, each kind of texture has an own dir, the Vray materials has an own dir and the model has an own dir.

                      In Rhinoman it is done so: if a path is set, than the plugin read the current path the next time. So, if I want to change a environment HDRI and have set one before, than Vray could open the same dir. At the moment it open the last used path. Current usage: if I have saved a material befor, than Vray open this dir if I try to change the HDRI. I jump between paths again and again.

                      Wish conclusion: Vray could use the path of an option, if a path is set before.
             - visualization for designer and architects


                      • #26
                        Michas Wishlist

                        Yeah I've written that somewhere too. It used to be that way in older builds, but now it's gone. Very annyoing having to browse again and again each time you load a map or save an image.
                        Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


                        • #27
                          Michas Wishlist

                          Each place where you choose a texture remembers the last place it was now. Do you want me to split it all into categories that are shared among them or is the way I have it now good enough?
                          Best regards,
                          Joe Bacigalupa

                          Chaos Group


                          • #28
                            Michas Wishlist

                            It is working? Upps, maybe if I have create to much new materials without previous path.

                            Categories could be great. I could be nice, if the user could enable this categories at a special option page. If no path is set at an option, than Vray for Rhino could open a categorie path. Following paths would I like to use:

                            - textures
                            - material (export/import)
                            - output (cachefiles, rendered images)
                            - environments
                   - visualization for designer and architects


                            • #29
                              Michas Wishlist

                              Originally posted by joeb
                              Each place where you choose a texture remembers the last place it was now. ...
                              ... dosn't work here. Tested with the environment path and with the output dir of the framebuffer.
                     - visualization for designer and architects


                              • #30
                                Michas Wishlist

                                I think Joe meant that it is working in the current build he has just made, not in the 10.5
                                Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps

