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Michas Wishlist

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  • #76
    Michas Wishlist

    + I could be nice to get the function "delete unassigned materials" at the right mouse button menu at the scene materials in the material editor.

    + Important: if the user delete a material, a warning should popup, if the material is assigned to an object.

    + A luxery wish: maybe, assigned or unassigned materials could be special marked. For example: the letters of an unassigned material name could be grey and not black.

    + Vray for Rhino use so much tasks at the taskbar. Sometimes I'm confused (most if I start more than one Rhino task for rendering multiple images at the same time over night). Could be nice, if the Vray options and the material editor could stay in Rhino. The render window of Treefrog is a good example. - visualization for designer and architects


    • #77
      Michas Wishlist

      You mean not have the options/MatEd icons show up on the taskbar?

      As for the top three, I'd say they all are good ideas.

      Ok the Options and Material Editor no longer show up on the taskbar. The VFB still will, but I'm not sure if thats an issue. If it is I'm sure we can figure some way around it.
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group


      • #78
        Michas Wishlist

        Originally posted by joeb
        You mean not have the options/MatEd icons show up on the taskbar?
        Yes. Because this option windows are not independent from Rhino and so it is not useful to see it as single tasks at the taskbar.
        The framebuffer too? I'm not sure, but why not. Other renderer like Treefrog keep the framebuffer inside Rhino too.
        An other bad effect is yet, that if I try to jump between Rhino and the framebuffer per Alt-tab, it dosn't work, if other additional programs are open too. The framebuffer is allways at the beginning from the tasks so I must skip through all open programms. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #79
          Michas Wishlist

          Heh, look like I edited my last post too late. Ok I'll see if I can get the VFB to stay off the taskbar as well. I'm sure it won't be too difficult. But 2/3 ain't bad right? I'll work on those other suggestions too because I think they are good ideas.
          Best regards,
          Joe Bacigalupa

          Chaos Group


          • #80
            Michas Wishlist

            Thank you Joe. And the extra VFB teask is not realy a problem, only the "alt-tab" problem stops my workflow often.

            What makes the edit-create object properties wish? Today I have start to use RC2 regular at my work. The last internal test version works fine at my work machine. Thank you.
            Only the "edit" object material properties I miss so much, because I forget the names of the many materials often. My current workflow is: open the material properties - read the name of the material - open the material editor - edit the material.
   - visualization for designer and architects


            • #81
              Michas Wishlist

              Well I have Edit and Create both implemented again now. It was easy to bring it back.
              Best regards,
              Joe Bacigalupa

              Chaos Group


              • #82
                Michas Wishlist

       - visualization for designer and architects


                • #83
                  Michas Wishlist

                  Originally posted by Micha
                  + A luxery wish: maybe, assigned or unassigned materials could be special marked. For example: the letters of an unassigned material name could be grey and not black.
                  Wish: could you use a less saturated color for the blue sphere (or disk) sign of the materials. The blue looks so strong.
                  Could you use this smalls signs to show extra infos like -
                  green ... anything is ok
                  red ... texture path is wrong
                  yellow ... unassigned material
                  I would like to see for the signs small icons of rendered spheres. I hopy you don't think, I'm crazy now. But we should not forget the design.
                  If you like, I could create example images.

                  + multiselection of materials could help to delete or duplicate a set of materials
         - visualization for designer and architects


                  • #84
                    Michas Wishlist

                    mini wish for faster workflow: double click on a material in the browser (material properties -> browse) and the material is assigned and the browser is closed.
           - visualization for designer and architects


                    • #85
                      Michas Wishlist

                      Originally posted by Micha
                      mini wish for faster workflow: double click on a material in the browser (material properties -> browse) and the material is assigned and the browser is closed.
                      good call..I didn't realize that didn't work
                      Best regards,
                      Joe Bacigalupa

                      Chaos Group


                      • #86
                        Michas Wishlist

                        Once a day it could be nice, if each material preview would be saved and if the user click on a material, the saved image of the material would be shown. If no preview is in the cache (at the disk) an "empty" image could be shown. Some times I'm a little bit confused, if I click on a "wall" material and the preview show a "shiny plastic" from the previous preview.
                        I have the feeling, Rhinoman save the preview images in the Rhino file.
               - visualization for designer and architects


                        • #87
                          Michas Wishlist

                          + workflow wish: if I click on "scene material" and create a new material, the new material could be selected, best in "edit the name mode".
                          Current weak workflow: the "scene material" is highlighted and I must search the new created material in a long list of materials.

                          + the texture multiplier could effect the texture preview. Often I set the material color black and use the blend multiplier as intensity control. I would like to see the effect in the texture preview.

                          +Please disable the default material filter map or use a very small value like 0.1. The default value make the textures very blury. Worst case: if the user set a texture per rhino material only, than the texture is very blury allways. For me not useable. So, I must use a vray material for each small textures object.
                 - visualization for designer and architects


                          • #88
                            Michas Wishlist

                            + in Rhinoman is an option that I would like to set at the camera properties of VfR too: "get viewport focal distance". So I can fine adjust the focal distance based on the viewport distance. Maybe a small "refresh" button could do it.
                   - visualization for designer and architects


                            • #89
                              Michas Wishlist

                              The focal distance is grabbed from from the viewport. Its the distance between the camera and the target. There was a problem previously with my calculations because I was using frustum depth previously - now I use the actual 3d distance between those two points. I'm guessing this is what you want.
                              Best regards,
                              Joe Bacigalupa

                              Chaos Group


                              • #90
                                Michas Wishlist

                                No, I wish, if I enable "override focal distance", than I would like to get the current distance copied from the viewport to the distance option per "refresh" button for fine adjustment. At the moment, the distance is per default 200.
                       - visualization for designer and architects

