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Michas Wishlist

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  • Re: Michas Wishlist

    Joe, I changed my texture archive last, and today the prgress window show me, that some textures are not load. I copy the textures to the project dir with the rhino file, but the progress window says again .. . So I set all paths, but the progress window .. . I'm not sure which material miss a texture and I don't see a missing texture at the rendering. I will observe it.

    Maybe you could make, that materials with missing textures are marked at the mat editor. If I remember me right, this is an old wish. You could use the blue points at the beginning of each material name and mark it red instead blue. - visualization for designer and architects


    • Re: Michas Wishlist

      Originally posted by Micha
      You could use the blue points at the beginning of each material name and mark it red instead blue.

      great idea!


      • Re: Michas Wishlist

        Yep - that is a good idea.
        Best regards,
        Joe Bacigalupa

        Chaos Group


        • Re: Michas Wishlist

          Next wish: don't affect GI for emitter materials.

          Example: I'm working on a TV panel and the plastic frame should show an reflection at the front. If I add an emitter with a gradient texture, I get the reflection, but also the light from the emitter. Could be nice, if the emitter could act like the reflection environment, that don't affect the lighting, but the reflections.
 - visualization for designer and architects


          • Re: Michas Wishlist

            that would be nice. I render an emitter as a white card and save it on all black as an hdr file. Load the hdr of the emitter into the objects background material over ride =) this works. All of the reflections without the GI.


            • Re: Michas Wishlist

              I tested this way too, but for my last project I needed a sharp edge of a plane with a gradient. I rendered a large HDRI, but the edge of the shown "emitter plane" was pixelated.

              Interesting that you are fighting with the same problems.
     - visualization for designer and architects


              • Re: Michas Wishlist

                bend the emitter surface like this. it helps with the pixelation and sharp edges. Then take your hdr saved from vfr and apply a blur to it in HDR Shop. it will look sexy then ;D


                • Re: Michas Wishlist

                  Interesting, I will try it. But the HDRShop blur isn't good for me, because I like to get a sharp edge of the emitter. A better example: the emitter is a textured emitter and should be visible at reflections, but don't send light. If I would create a HDR env from the scene, than it's difficult to get a sharp reflection of the emitter texture, the HDR must be very, very large.
         - visualization for designer and architects


                  • Re: Michas Wishlist

                    Often, if my camera shot images from different views, than I need that the HDRI environment is turned too. For example because I want to get the main light source from the right side allways.

                    My wish is, that one gobal rotation control allow to turn all environments. I attached a screenshot. I think, the vertical rotation is not need realy, but it was so easy to copy it in to screenshot. A horicontal rotation could be good.

                    At the moment, if I jump from one to an other camera view, often I must change the rotation of the GI env and the reflection env. That are many mouse clicks, less could be nice.

           - visualization for designer and architects


                    • Re: Michas Wishlist

                      A long time I try to keep my lights so physical correct as possible, but today I render a very small room with one light at the ceiling, in the upper part to much light, in the lower part to less. I try "no decay" - ok, more light everywhere. But best would be to get something between. From other engines I know, that three types could be possible - linear, inverse and square inverse. Could be nice to get this at VfR too. (Maybe this could be done with a single decay parameter from linear 0 to inverse square 2.)
             - visualization for designer and architects


                      • Re: Michas Wishlist

                        hmmm...I think thats something for vlado...all we do is pass those values off to vray, so its not like we can set that or something...I think it might be nice though.
                        Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                        • Re: Michas Wishlist

                          At the moment I use two lights - one with decay and the other without - and adjust both for the right look. Works quite good for now.
                 - visualization for designer and architects


                          • Re: Michas Wishlist

                            Please add the missing material options Roughness and Anisotropie Map.

                   - visualization for designer and architects


                            • Re: Michas Wishlist

                              Hey,is there anybody from China?


                              • Re: Michas Wishlist

                                any chance of getting a beta test? (pretty please)

                                my wish would be ability to save out VRay materials as 'approximate' shaders so other renderers can at least do a better job. It takes some time and effort to 'setup' a scene material wise.

                                This is not to replace VfR - but sometimes in a time crunch for a single product studio shot (as in next hour) we go to Keyshot. Keyshot isn't handling the full interior - VfR will be for foreseeable future - but having them play nice together would really help....

                                Also having the ability to 'edit' Wavefront files - would be cool too - as a kind of 3D model 'render' library - all setup to go.

