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Rendering for dummies

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  • Rendering for dummies

    New to Vray, I am however relatively experienced 3d cad modeler and renderer.
    eventhough I am reading all the board's post, the help file... I still have a hard time understanding all the settings suddleties. Some have really umbiguous naming and yet a slight decimal change effect greatly the result.
    I would like to make a suggestion and I think looking at some of the other posts, many people shares.

    1/ It would be great that you use meaninfull controls naming. I understand to be consistent with max users, but if max users like it then they use max. Typically rhino users like the easiness and straight fowardness of the software...
    What about implementing some great control sheme some people posted i.e scroll from low quality to high quality, fast to slow rendering, day light, night light...
    2/ 2 level of controls reading, one for dummies, one for expert.
    This allow novice to render right nice output while the advanced setting allows people to fine tune and output beautiful work or "exotic" effect, lighting.

    Right now without detailed documentation it is very hard to understand the effect of all controls. There is no hierarchy between import controls VS secondary ones.

    Understand my situation for exemple. I work in a company where we have already tools in place. I currently try to implement a potential swith to Vray. However it would very time consuming for me to assist colleagues, new hires to figure it out.
    A simple control set-up, while maybe limitating would allow users to be up and running until they can move-on.

    In my field, we spend 80% time on design and only 20% on rendering, presentation. So we don't have all the hours available to "tweek" and go through ongoing trila and errors.

    I hope my suggestion make senses? I know it does for rhino users in my field.

  • #2
    Rendering for dummies

    One of the key factors of VRay's speed is the ability to tweak all of these controls. Simplifying the UI to the point of High Quality to Low Quality is really a great diservice to the users in the end. There are a good deal of VRay tutorials out there that explain all of the controls you see before you.

    I am just a programmer, no real 3d experiance whatsoever, so I understand the overwelming number of options that lay before you. But believe me, once you work more with it, and understand those subtle differences, you will be happy that you have such direct control over the render quality and speed in so many ways.

    Corey, one of the other partners here, is working on a number of tutorials that will be available to everyone soon. But for now, I would suggest just doing a simple google search for "VRay tutorials". Most of the interface is comparable to the Max interface, as you said, so following those tutorials should head you in the right direction.

    Our documentation is currently lacking, but our focus is turning back in that direction now that most of the features of release are in place. Please bare with us during this time, and don't doubt the amout of help you can find just from some of the experianced users in this forum.

    I hope this helps a bit
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Rendering for dummies

      Oh also, as far as training new hires, etc. You can save out render options to make some defaults for different scene types. From our options page just go to File->Save and you can save it out as our visopt format.
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group


      • #4
        Rendering for dummies

        Thanks for the input Joe. I will get there I know. Looking forward the updated help/tutorials.

