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Vray Object Properties

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  • Vray Object Properties

    In Vray for Max there are Vray (and general) properties that can be applied on a per object level. Allot of these features are very useful for different visualizations. I think that an easy way to add these features would to have a Vray option within the rhino's Properties dialog box. That might be an easy way to have those options within a familiar element.

    As for some of the actual options that would be nice to include
    -visiblity to camera (for Micha's hidden wall renders)
    -caustics multiplier
    -light multipier (to increase sss effects)
    -visibility in reflections/refractions
    -generate/receive GI
    -cast/recieve shadows
    -exclude from light calculations
    -subdivision override (for glossy objects)
    -Override Alpha value

    if there are any other per object features that you would find useful, post em.
    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

  • #2
    Vray Object Properties

    don't reflect environment map.
    shiny floor, shiny object, just want a reflection of the hdr on the object.

    Freelance Industrial Designer - Rhino3d v4 - Vray for Rhino


    • #3
      Vray Object Properties

      Yeah that would be nice
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group


      • #4
        Vray Object Properties

        Got another one

        Max Depth Override

        It may be useful if you've got some mirrors in a scene that reflect to each other, yet don't want the rest of the objects' reflections going crazy.
        Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


        • #5
          Vray Object Properties

          Found another good one from Travis's Vray Gallery

          Environment Override with map/color/multiplier option

          Originally posted by Travis
          to achieve with minimal work for the user is to have premade materials for gemstones that just "work" in almost any environment. The only way we can ensure that this happens is by having environment reflections/refractions on a per object level.
          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


          • #6
            Vray Object Properties

            Could be great to get this object based options. I know this from Rhinoman.
   - visualization for designer and architects


            • #7
              Re: Vray Object Properties

              This option would be great. I've been rendering granite furniture in a white scene and to be able to put a reflection map (Surface) into the scene that is only seen/reflected by the granite top would be great. (And make setting up the scene so much easier.)


