In Max, camera's are objects, and because of this there any time you set up multiple physical cameras each one retains its owns specific settings (f-stop,SS,iso) which is great for switching around from camera to camera. In Rhino however, all of the physical camera settings are done through the options set-up which means two things, either I make notes to remember the camera settings of each view or I save and load a visopt for each view. Neither are really that acceptable for me for the simple reason that if I forget to change the camera settings or load the visopt then the image is off; or if I do load the visopt, I might have changed an important setting and not realized it.
In the large sense my wish would be to have the camera settings change when switching from one named view to another. In thinking how this would be implemented, I think a really good way to do it would have a little drop down menu with all of the named views in the rhino file and each one would have its own camera settings associated with it. That way, if it could work that the physical camera settings get saved whenever a named view is saved/updated and it would be available in the options settings. It would be great if that would change automatically whenever you switch to a named view, but even if you just have to manually set which view's settings you want to use that would be a great step. Anyone follow me on this? (Maybe it could even be linked to multiple suns, per Micha's wish)
In the large sense my wish would be to have the camera settings change when switching from one named view to another. In thinking how this would be implemented, I think a really good way to do it would have a little drop down menu with all of the named views in the rhino file and each one would have its own camera settings associated with it. That way, if it could work that the physical camera settings get saved whenever a named view is saved/updated and it would be available in the options settings. It would be great if that would change automatically whenever you switch to a named view, but even if you just have to manually set which view's settings you want to use that would be a great step. Anyone follow me on this? (Maybe it could even be linked to multiple suns, per Micha's wish)