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V-Ray for Rhino OSX

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  • V-Ray for Rhino OSX

    Rhino is coming to Mac! McNeel has opened up a site for public beta testing and are looking for some "brave" testers. This is unbelievably great news for anyone running Rhino through parallels or boot camp.

    I saw a post on the V-Ray for sketchup board that seemed to hint at a possible Mac development of our favorite Rhino plug-in (for sketchup, though). What are the chances we will eventually be seeing V-Ray for Rhino OSX? I realize that McNeel is still developing the Rhino SDK for the mac version and that any plugin relies on that. But...someday?

  • #2
    Re: V-Ray for Rhino OSX

    There has been allot of excitement about Rhino for the Mac, but remember that its a year off at best so just keep that in mind (allot of people thought the would be getting an early Christmas present...That is definitely not the case). That being said, your largely correct with your assumptions. We are looking into supporting VfSU for the mac, so vfr for a mac isn't too much of a stretch. Right now much of it has to do with when McNeel comes out with the SDK, which shouldn't be for quite a while. When it does however, we will most definitely taking a look at it. Best case scenario is the initial Rhino for Mac Release having a V-Ray bundle option , but right now there are so many things that need to happen between now and then that its a little hard to commit to.
    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

