Here are some of my thoughts/wish about new interface on next major update:
Regarding General UI, you should have a look at SolidRocks plugin for 3dStudioMax: LINK
An absolutely nice plugin, it offers a lot of presets (interior and exterior too) with the possibility to customize all options.
This is for sure useful for "newbie" but also for experencied users.
It allow also some kind of optimization for calculate lightcache in DR...
I think in the Physical Camera rollout there should be a drop down menu with Camera name (NamedView name)
Also please REMOVE the Rhino standard light as Sun when using Sky in GI, this only confuse new users and it's not useful for others.
I saw too many times the question "Why i have 2 shadows when i use PhysicalSky?" ...
(and if Default lights (in GlobalSwitch rollout) is unchecked the Default Rhino light must be not visible)
Instead i think when we choose sky in Environment and Background the Plugin should popup a window wich ask "Would you like to add a Sun?"; affermative answer is linked to the _Sunlight command, negative answer allow us to use Sky without Sun.
Of course we need all missed features like enable/disable Displacement, ForceBackFaceCulling, Override Mtl (not only color), more AA filter, working RenderElements...
About the Material Editor i would really like to have a Weight Map and a Matte Layer like in VfC4D LINK
Also i've recently finished a work with various kind of wood, all with the same finish but with different texture, if it's possible it would be nice if we could edit more than one Material at once, i mean select two or more Material from the "SceneBrowser" and change for example the Refl value to all of them with one click.
I hope to see also Ward BRDF in next update, a better way to use Fresnel refl (simple checkbox like in VfMax would be nice) and the Interpolation option for reflection and refraction.
And of course as already mentioned in the past we need a better material/scene browser and a better way to manage material layers.
I think it's all for the moment,
Thanks for your support
Regarding General UI, you should have a look at SolidRocks plugin for 3dStudioMax: LINK
An absolutely nice plugin, it offers a lot of presets (interior and exterior too) with the possibility to customize all options.
This is for sure useful for "newbie" but also for experencied users.
It allow also some kind of optimization for calculate lightcache in DR...
I think in the Physical Camera rollout there should be a drop down menu with Camera name (NamedView name)
Also please REMOVE the Rhino standard light as Sun when using Sky in GI, this only confuse new users and it's not useful for others.
I saw too many times the question "Why i have 2 shadows when i use PhysicalSky?" ...
(and if Default lights (in GlobalSwitch rollout) is unchecked the Default Rhino light must be not visible)
Instead i think when we choose sky in Environment and Background the Plugin should popup a window wich ask "Would you like to add a Sun?"; affermative answer is linked to the _Sunlight command, negative answer allow us to use Sky without Sun.
Of course we need all missed features like enable/disable Displacement, ForceBackFaceCulling, Override Mtl (not only color), more AA filter, working RenderElements...
About the Material Editor i would really like to have a Weight Map and a Matte Layer like in VfC4D LINK
Also i've recently finished a work with various kind of wood, all with the same finish but with different texture, if it's possible it would be nice if we could edit more than one Material at once, i mean select two or more Material from the "SceneBrowser" and change for example the Refl value to all of them with one click.
I hope to see also Ward BRDF in next update, a better way to use Fresnel refl (simple checkbox like in VfMax would be nice) and the Interpolation option for reflection and refraction.
And of course as already mentioned in the past we need a better material/scene browser and a better way to manage material layers.
I think it's all for the moment,
Thanks for your support