my impression is, that the lighting per HDRI environment need a size option for the "HDRI sphere", because for simulating small light tents like used for jewelry, the light distribution of the current infinite environment sphere is looking wrong.
Example: a HDRI show a single light from the top and is lighting a ground plane (diameter 1m). If the HDRI sphere is infinite, there is 100% homogeneous lighting on this ground plane. If the environment could be set to a radius of 1,2m, than caused by the falloff, the ground would show a brighter inner area. (I hope my explanation is good enough to show the problem.)
Could it be possible to get an option for the environment size?
my impression is, that the lighting per HDRI environment need a size option for the "HDRI sphere", because for simulating small light tents like used for jewelry, the light distribution of the current infinite environment sphere is looking wrong.
Example: a HDRI show a single light from the top and is lighting a ground plane (diameter 1m). If the HDRI sphere is infinite, there is 100% homogeneous lighting on this ground plane. If the environment could be set to a radius of 1,2m, than caused by the falloff, the ground would show a brighter inner area. (I hope my explanation is good enough to show the problem.)
Could it be possible to get an option for the environment size?