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Material overview refresh in material list bug/feature request.

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  • Material overview refresh in material list bug/feature request.

    I'm strugling with problematic material overview refresh behaving. Every time you select material in list, this material is automaticly refreshed (rerendered) even if you did't change any parameters. Material cotinue refreshing/rerendering even if you close asset editor. I'm constantly watching refreshing materials I didn't change for over year, this is annoying.

    Right now im using macbook pro in combination with your beta cloud rendering service, this behaving practicly avoid texturing in late stages of project especialy with complex high res textures/materials. This is no big deal on power desktop machines, but more people will be using light machines (terminals) when cloud rendering became standard.

    Kind regards

  • #2
    Hello, Jan,

    Sorry for the delayed response.
    The refreshing of the preview window after selecting certain material is a normal behavior in V-Ray 3.60.03 as it actually renders the shader.
    Please note that by default the Asset editor material preview windows uses half of the CPU threads - so it will utilize 50% of your CPU even if it shows 100% CPU usage. The thread priority is set to low which means it won’t overtake other ongoing processes.
    Nevertheless, our developers are currently exploring possible solutions for optimization of the asset preview window. This may include a redesign akin to V-Ray 2.0's preview update toggle and manual control.

    Kind regards,
    Ana Nedyalkova
    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA


    • #3
      Hello Ana,
      thank you for your reply. I thought it is normal behaviour, but let's be honest it is not ideal. Some kind of optimization which refresh material only when changes are applied to them will be welcome.

      Kind regards,

