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Shrinking light objects

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  • Shrinking light objects

    I have noticed an issue in which each time i open a file the objects that make up v-ray lights (domes, spots..) shrink each time i close and reopen the file. For example a dome light object started with a diameter defaults to something like 24 inches. The next time I open file it was 1", right now it is so small as not to be perceptible. I have to select the dome light through the asset editor ("Select in Viewport") and hit scale to see little grab boxes so make out where it is (only to have to scale something like 1000% to bring it back to size)

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    For what its worth I am running V-ray Next on Sketchup 2019 on Mac OSX (10.13)

  • #2
    Thank you for your report!
    Could you please provide some additional information?
    • Do you use any other 3rd party extensions beside V-Ray?
    • Is the issue reproducible with specific projects made using earlier V-Ray versions or does it occur with newly-created ones as well?
    • If you could reproduce the problem in a new scene, please pack it using Extensions > V-Ray > Pack Project and send it over for investigation at .
    Kind regards,
    Last edited by Peter.Chaushev; 18-02-2019, 02:16 AM.
    Peter Chaushev
    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


    • #3
      I'm having the exact problem working on a Mac OSX system too, sometimes the lights disappear totally and have to re-import them from an old file.


      • #4
        We have managed to reproduce the issue. It is not exclusive to our OSX build. It is now logged and awaiting investigation by our dev team.
        A fix should be included in the first update of V-Ray Next for SketchUp. Will post an update if a viable workaround is found in the meantime.

        Kind regards,
        Last edited by Peter.Chaushev; 25-02-2019, 09:16 AM.
        Peter Chaushev
        V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


        • #5
          Same here. V-Ray lights shrink with every save and reopen until they eventually disappear. I really hope a fix is on the way coz this is a total killer, I've got 125 IES lights in a current project and now I can't select them to move them so the file is garbage unless I delete them all and reinsert them (and the same process will presumably continue with them too).

          Working in Windows 10, SU18, V-Ray Next for SU.


          p.s. Anybody know how to edit my forum signature? It's way out of date and I can't find the signature setting anywhere in the User Profile panel.
          SU 2018 + VfSU 4.0


          • #6
            The following one liner resolves the issue, so that widgets no longer shrink. However, if they have shrunk, there is no way to revert their state.

            Sketchup.active_model.set_attribute("VRayInfo", "version", 40000)


            • #7
              Thanks Georgi... but where do I place that line of code?

              Or is this fix already in the latest official build (see below) which I installed this morning? V-Ray for SketchUp 4.00.02

              Build: 96346 Hash: d52860cba Date: Apr 18 2019

              V-Ray NeUI Version: 2.1.1 Build: 96323 Hash: 2dc8c0d73 Date: Apr 18 2019

              V-Ray Core Version: 4.04.03

              V-Ray AppSDK Version: 2.02.00

              SU 2018 + VfSU 4.0


              • #8
                Hi Jackson_cg,

                The code should be pasted in the Ruby console (Window/Ruby Console).

                On the other hand, can you please try downloading the latest build from our web-page:

                This is more or less the build you pointed out, but we've added a small patch yesterday so It's best you download the latest one.
                You will notice that the NeUI version is different - 'V-Ray NeUI Version: 2.1.3'

                Let us know if the issue with the lights persists.



                • #9
                  Thanks Konstantin!

                  SU 2018 + VfSU 4.0


                  • #10
                    Same issue!
                    Have manually replaced lights in a scene once already, now they are gone again.
                    How can I select them?


                    • #11

                      Could you please make sure that V-Ray 4.00.02 is installed?

                      Kindly note that we were aware of this occurring with the first release of V-Ray Next, however, it has been resolved and should not be re-occurring with the latest official release


                      • #12
                        georgi.georgiev thanks, will check this

