Not entirely sure if this is a bug, but something we are trying to work around right now. By default, we render to 16bit exr's and save out a bunch of render channels, including lots of the raw passes. We have noticed in Next that the channels are coming in with the wrong exposure value and are across the board super white. That is not to say they are different - when clocked down to about -6 Ev in photoshop, they match up with what was rendered in 3.6. My question is: is this by design? I like having 16b channels as they give a bit more lateral movement to adjust things, however, having to manually adjust all raw channels in 32bit mode, save, and place into our 16b working pshop docs is a bit of a pain. I'm going to test other file formats and bit depths, but wanted to make a note of this before I forgot.
Thanks all
Thanks all