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Batch Rendering Issues

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  • Batch Rendering Issues


    Since upgrading to Vray Next, we've been having issues with Batch Renders that we never had previously on Vray 3.x.

    Previously with Vray 3.x we were able to set over 20+ scenes and the system would properly batch render them. If we try batch rendering in Vray Next, we're finding that attempting to render any more than 5-6 scenes causes VRay to crash or hang up indefinitely.

    I noticed that with Vray 3.x, it would go through each scene one by one, i.e. compile scene 1, prepass scene 1, render scene 1; then compile scene 2, prepass scene 2, render scene 2. With Vray next, it appears that it goes through and compiles every tab that has been selected for batch rendering first, then goes through and renders them all in order. Just pointing this issue out as although the workaround is simple (render only a few scenes at a time) it's really eliminating the effectiveness of batch renderings, where in the past we could set it as we left for the evening and come in the next morning to our completed renders.

  • #2
    In order to be able to find the cause of your problem, some additional info will be needed as I was not able to find any previous reports. If you'd like, you can reply here or send an email to with answers to the following questions:
    Is the behavior you described reproducible only with a particular project or is it reproducible with others as well?
    Do you render using CPU or GPU? What version of SketchUp, V-Ray for SketchUp you use and what is your OS?
    Do you use any other 3rd-party plugins beside V-Ray?
    Could you please provide the SketchUp crash logs if you manage to reproduce the problem?

    Kind regards,
    Peter Chaushev
    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


    • #3
      Hi Peter,

      It is reproducible in multiple projects, and across multiple users in our studio.
      We render with CPU - Sketchup 2019, Vray Next 4.10.02, Windows 10.
      I do not use any major plugins, there are a few minor Sketchup Extensions that I use.

      Can you point me to where I would find the Sketchup Crash logs? I'm not sure that it would log a 'crash' because the software doesn't crash, it becomes infinitely non-responsive until you force close the program, or VRay will close.


      • #4
        Thank you for your reply!
        The VRayForSketchUp.log is located in %APPDATA%\Chaos Group\V-Ray for SketchUp .
        Bugsplat and SketchUpLog .log files as well as SketchUp and VRay .dmp files can be found in your %TEMP% folder. There is also a vray-neui (V-Ray for SketchUp).log file that might contain useful info.
        If you manage to reproduce the issue, please check for the latest versions of the files I mentioned and send them over to or in a forum private message to me.
        Peter Chaushev
        V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


        • #5
          There is a bug (fixed in the upcoming Update 2) that occurs when batch-rendering a project with animation scene transition = 0.
          Please check if changing this value resolves the problem.
          Peter Chaushev
          V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


          • #6
            Hi Peter, Do you have an ETA of the upcoming Update 2? We have been dealing with this issue for 2 months now and it is extremely painful to do renderings one by one.



            • #7

              That may be the issue, as I always turn scene transitions off. I will leave the scene transitions enabled, and leave it at the default 2 seconds and report back my findings next time I batch render.



              • #8
                Hi Peter,

                I can confirm I am still having the same issues with the latest updated. I have followed all your suggestions but the same bug/ issue exists. Do you have any other suggestions to solve this issue? This is an extremely painful when I have over 20 renderings to complete at once.



                • #9
                  I'm following this thread because I'm experiencing the same issue.
                  The batch render stops about halfway through the scenes. Sometimes it completes 5 images, sometimes 10...

                  I also noticed that the vray frame buffer window becomes "uncloseable" after batch rendering. I can't click it away anymore. Sketchup itself keeps working, it just seems like the "x" button on the frame buffer window doesn't work anymore.

                  I'm using Vray Next on Sketchup 2020, Windows 10, rendering on CPU.

                  Sincere greetings,


                  • #10
                    Hello skisk8er000 and sigrid

                    I have sent you both private messages with instructions on how to proceed with investigation of the issue.
                    Last edited by slavcho.brusev; 21-02-2020, 03:23 AM.

