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Wall with different texture/bump/normals/displacement maps on every side

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  • Wall with different texture/bump/normals/displacement maps on every side

    Hi everybody, in my project I have huge retaining wall which has different brick profiles on every side of the wall. For example, the outer surface of the wall has embosses, the inner side doesn't have them, like the top side of the wall, where you can walk upon, doesn't have them either. In Sketchup, every displacement texture needs to be group, and only if you apply a material to the whole group, the displacement maps really work.
    And ideas on how I could make this work?

    Any help and ideas appreciated.

  • #2
    In these examples I have grouped the faces of the different displacement maps in order to have the right displacements come into effect on every side, but as you can side I have this greater displacement of the outer wall.
    Any suggestiions?


    • #3
      You can set the displacement 'shift' on those sandstone blocks to something negative to bring it closer to the edge of the tiles on top. That way there won't be as much gap from the displacement. You may also want to create surfaces for the sandstone that returns and are just below the top tile to eliminate any other shadow gap (I think you will want to be sure "Keep Continuity" is checked). Alternatively you may want to give the geometry of the top tile a bit of thickness so that it looks like a real material.

      Hope that makes sense


      • #4
        Dear bbergem,

        totally. I applied both your tipps and solved it by these. Thank you so much! I will post the result as soon as possible.

        Thanks again.


        • #5

