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vrscene from 3dsmax to sketchup pro 2019 and V-Ray 5.0

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  • vrscene from 3dsmax to sketchup pro 2019 and V-Ray 5.0

    Hi all, i am quite new with vray for sketchup, i tried to import the vrscene i created in 3dsmax to the sketchup, i manage to import it and have the texture, but the shader/material setting is not imported. is this normal ? i watch the youtube video on chaosgroup tv channel how to import vrscene in sketchup and somehow the shaders work perfectly on that video, while in my case, the shader is not working at all.

    any help with this ?

  • #2
    Hi reinaldo_handaya,

    Not sure I understood you at 100%, but I will try to outline a few things:

    Shaders should be coming through if you open a .vrscene in another application. When using the V-Ray Scene Importer, make sure that Textures & UVs is the selected option if you want to keep the textures and corresponding UVs. Worth to note that only bitmaps are currently supported; also, Light textures are not supported yet, and if a .vrscene file contains a light with slotted texture map, upon import the texture will be lost. You can read more about the V-Ray Scene Importer here:

    Keep in mind that V-Ray scene files are imported as a single object, and therefore, everything comes in as one. This means that certain items cannot be selected in SketchUp itself, such as:
    • Individual lights;
    • Individual shaders;
    • Editable geometry - again, comes in as one, similar to V-Ray mesh files;
    • Any other geometry or shaders that rely on plugins may not come through
    So, when you import a .vrscene file in SketchUp, you should be able to render the objects the way they were set in 3ds Max, but you will (naturally) have limited options to select/edit them.

    To read more about moving V-Ray scenes between applications, please visit:

    That being said, can you let me know what hasn't been exported correctly so we can have a look and see if there are any issues? Any examples from both host apps would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
    Last edited by nikoleta.garkova; 08-02-2021, 04:09 AM.
    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      I will try once again, coz i can have the bitmap and the UV, but not the shader. all the shader setting is lost, have no reflection at all. if the problem persist, i will send you the file to chec


      • #4
        I attached the video and scene files


        • #5
          Can you confirm if it works as expected when importing through the Import Proxy or V-Ray Scene option (access via the icon on the V-Ray toolbar, or if you go to Extensions > V-Ray Objects > Import Proxy or V-Ray Scene)? Thanks!
          Nikoleta Garkova |

