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Exposure layer in VFB doesn't seem to work as version 5.1

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  • Exposure layer in VFB doesn't seem to work as version 5.1

    since upgrading I am finding that attempts to to alter images to show blown out areas by altering the exposure and reducing highlight burn don't work as before.

    Previously I could alter exposure and highlight burn to correctly expose the blown out highlights and combine as i require in post. Now the controls don't seem to have any of the information for the blown out areas and have the effect just of altering the white point across the image. Its almost as if previously i was working with a 32 bit wide dynamic range picture and now I am not - any one know whats going on!

    see the two images below - the one on the left has the exposure altered and highlight burn reduced completely but there is no more information in the blown out areas, such as the sofa on the right, at all just a reduction in the brightness of the white point.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	temp 2.jpg
Views:	251
Size:	1.34 MB
ID:	1129559Click image for larger version

Name:	temp 1.jpg
Views:	211
Size:	1.73 MB
ID:	1129560

    previously this did not happen - here are two images from last week - note how in the reduced exposure (right) you see more detail as highlights are removed. for instance the pictures above telelvision the frames are become visible. This wasnt even a huge exposure change too.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	3 Light.jpg
Views:	215
Size:	1.82 MB
ID:	1129562Click image for larger version

Name:	3 dark.jpg
Views:	217
Size:	1.86 MB
ID:	1129561

  • #2
    Hi boundary,

    Is it possible for you to share the scene saved with V-Ray 5.1 so that we can investigate further?



    • #3
      Hi Konstantin,

      I will package one up for you. Having said that I have investigated a bit more and it appears that its the LUT i am using that causes a problem. If I remove the LUT the exposure control works fine. This is a bit of a puzzle as I have been using this as my standard LUT for months with no problems. Has the way the LUT works changed in the recent update?

